There was a time, in classical education, when everyone was taught to draw and sing. The idea being anyone could learn the skills. Of course, there are those with natural talent, and not everyone will become a Da Vinci or Rembrandt, but everyone could learn the basics of drawing.

There are so many professions where drawing is not only useful, but necessary, whether you are an engineer, fashion designer, architect, and even a scientist drawing what she sees under a microscope, drawing is a wonderful life skill.

I have never taken a drawing class and I draw everyday, but I tend to do all 2 dimensional drawings, perfect for making patterns, but not so great at illustrating a children’s book, which I would like to do. Michelle on the other hand, got her BFA in graphic design AND photography, so she had many drawing classes and if you look below at the work we did today it is very obvious that she knows what she’s doing and I don’t! Well, at least I know all that money we spent on her college degree wasn’t wasted 😉

Anyway, we decided to include a bona fid drawing class into Michelle’s children’s homeschooling week. I will be both teacher and student for the class, and I’m every bit as excited as the wee ones are to begin this adventure. I decided to use Mark Kistler’s book, You Can Draw in 30 Days because I liked the organization, the assumption that you do not any background in drawing, and his very systematic approach to learning to draw. Once we learn the basics of drawing, I’m sure each of us will develop our own style, but for now we are starting at the beginning and will learn a bit more each week.

Instead of completing the book in 30 days, we plan to take 30 weeks, doing a new lesson each week and then spending time during the week practicing what we have learned.

Are you or your children interested in drawing, too? If so, I suggestion you get the book You Can Draw in 30 Days and join us. We will be sharing our adventure on the blog. It will be so fun to see our skills grow!   

Drawing Lesson 2 :: Overlapping Spheres



After following Lesson 1 :: The Sphere, and a discussion on light source and shadows, we began our first drawing project. 

Pixie’s Sphere

Fairy’s Sphere

Bug’s Sphere

Kimara’s Sphere

Michelle’s Sphere


Draw 5 more spherical items trying out different shapes like a ball, egg, apple, etc.

Make sure to include the light source in your drawing.

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