Be careful using our Basic Waldorf Peg Gnome Pattern. Once you let a gnome in your life, you’ll never be without one again! Our house is crawling with gnomes. We have unassuming gnomes and rather ostentatious gnomes. We have gnomes that love to tell stories and shy ones that prefer to listen. We even harbor a couple rather naughty gnomes, but down deep, they have a heart of gold! Their personalities are as different as you’d expect in any group of friends. For that reason, we’d like to give you the opportunity to invite a few Waldorf peg gnomes into your house.


basic waldorf peg gnome pattern


Here’s how to make felt gnomes. These are the traditional Waldorf style peg gnomes. They are simple and faceless, quick to make, and can easily populate your gnome abode in hours!

Important Note: People turnings (wooden pegs) are not all created equal. Even pegs bought from the same company can be slightly different. I highly suggest you make a copy of the Waldorf peg gnome pattern, cut it out of paper, and “try it on” your wooden pegs. Make adjusts to the paper pattern before cutting out your felt. 


Basic Waldorf Peg Gnome Pattern Materials:


Basic Waldorf Peg Gnome Pattern Directions:

[1] Cut hat and cloak out of color A and body wrap out of color B.

[2] Glue body wrap to people turning. Match bottom edge of wrapping with bottom edge of turning.


[3] Blanket stitch the outer edge of the cloak using 6 strands of embroidery floss.

[4] Wrap cloak around the body slightly overlapping in the front at the neckline. Use 6 strands of embroidery and satin stitch closed.

[5] Blanket stitch the lower edge of the hat using 6 strands of embroidery floss.

[6] Following the Waldorf peg gnome pattern, overlap hat edges to create cone. Pin together and use 2 strands of matching embroidery floss to sew together. You can either use a blanket stitch or a running stitch.

[7] Place a line of crafting glue on the inside of the hat near the edge. Position the hat on the gnome tilting it slightly backward.

basic waldorf peg gnome pattern hat


[8] Give your gnome a name and introduce him or her to your household!

basic waldorf peg gnome pattern done