Here is a fun, quick handprint craft project that can add to your spooky Halloween decor. Make your own recycled wax handprint sand candles.


handprint sand candles tutorial Halloween Decoration

This afternoon we made handprint sand candles using the kids hand/foot prints. They were really easy and we used recycled materials… so it was a free craft too.

Recycled Handprint Sand Candles Materials

  • Old candles
  • Clean sand
  • Wicks (you can reuse wicks from the candles)
  • Tray/dish to hold sand
  • Pot, potpourri crock-pot, or dish to melt wax

Recycled Handprint San Candle Directions

First I collected up a bunch of random votive candles. I seem to have them in mass, but seldom actually use them. I pulled the stickers off the bottom, then pulled out the wicks and set those aside. I put 2 votives at a time into my potpourri crock pot to melt.

recycled handprint sand candle halloween project

recycled candles handprint sand candle project

Then the kids and I filled a Pyrex baking dish with sand from the sand box (I would recommend using clean craft sand, but this is what we had on hand). We dampened the sand and each kid got a turn to make an impression. With a pan this size, we could only make one handprint sand candle at a time.

For the candles, the older kiddos used their hands (I had to help push them down far enough) and for my youngest, we did her footprint since her hand is so tiny and we couldn’t get a good impression. I poured the melted wax into the impression (each candle took about 2 votives worth of wax) and set in one of the wicks in the deepest part. Once the candle cooled to the touch, we removed it from the sand, rinsed off the excess sand with cool water and set up the sand for the next impression.

handprint in sand

pour wax into sand handprint

I think we ended up with some really cool Halloween candles.

finished handprint sand candles halloween decorations