We just got back from our annual trip to Vermont. Just thought I would share a few of our ‘Moments in Time’ with everyone. We had a wonderful time and the kids are already plotting our adventures for next year. I hope everyone else is having a wonderful summer as well.

I must admit we ate a lot of ice cream (truly a lot of ice cream). It is impossible not to when the Ben and Jerry’s factory is just down the road. We tried lots of different flavors… some old time favs like Chunky Monkey, Cherry Garcia and Phish Food and added a few new must haves to our list including Americone Dreams and Peanut Brittle. YUM! I think Peanut Brittle might be my current fav. Out of curiosity what’s your favorite B&J?

BTW – You might be asking yourself… do those cows look familiar? Ben and Jerry’s factory was indeed the inspiration for Gammy’s playroom.