Showing: 37 - 48 of 73 RESULTS
Gnome & Fairy Dolls

A Whimsy of Knit Gnomes

I have always been fascinated by unique collective nouns. For instance, did you know a group of mice is called a “mischief”? Sounds about right, doesn’t it?  Or that dolphins travel in pods? Other names are band, horde, tribe, and coalition. (For a bunch of animal collective nouns, check out this list.) When I went to post this tutorial, …

Gnome Home & Accessories

Gnome and Fairy Books

No, I’m not talking about books ABOUT gnomes and fairies, rather books FOR gnomes and fairies. I got the idea from Michelle. When we talked about doing The Book Nook, I told her I wanted a banner. Something that people would come to associate with this feature. Like a good graphic artist, she gave me …

Gnome Home & Accessories

Little Gnome and Fairy Books

  The orignial blog for this project can be found HERE. It contains additional photos and information. Who doesn’t like a good book? Well, gnomes love the old traditions of sitting around a campfire and telling tales of adventure and folly. But, they also like curling up in easy chair at home, in front of a fire, and …

Gnome & Fairy Dolls

Gnome Leprechauns

I know Britta must be thinking… why would a perfectly lovely lady (me) knowingly encourage leprechauns to run amuck in the Thicket? Well…. because at heart, I think we all have a little leprechaun in us, especially at this time of year! So, I would like to introduce you to our little Gnome Leprechauns. And, yes, we …