Showing: 1 - 5 of 5 RESULTS
Crafting Recipes

Salt Dough Recipe

Salt dough is one of the basic crafting supplies we always have on hand. It is easy to make, no cooking, is inexpensive, and when dry, is quite hard and durable. We have some salt dough pumpkins in our gnome home that are 10 years old! Also, if stored in a tightly sealed container, like …

Crafting Recipes

Coffee Playdough Recipe

I have a confession to make. Actually, not really a confession because that would imply that I am apologizing, and I’m not 🙂 I guess this is more of an admission. Sometimes, oh, probably 4 or 5 times a week, I look at the clock before going to bed and I think… just 6 more hours and I can have a cup of coffee! Pretty pathetic, right? I’m telling you this just to let you know …

Crafting Recipes Toys & Games

Cooked Playdough Recipe

Use our basic Cooked Playdough Recipe to make your very own, wonderful playdough. Add different extracts to add a scent element to your homemade playdough. After 30 years of parenthood, 6 years of gammyhood, and over 10 years of being a preschool teacher, I have collected over a hundred different “Make Your Own” recipes. From …