Wool Roving Dragonfly Directions

Wool Roving Dragonfly Directions

Here is a lovely and easy to make Wool Roving Dragonfly for our updated Puddles and Ponds unit. All you need are twigs and roving and a little knowledge about dragonflies. Make sure to add just wisps of colored roving to give the wings an iridescent look.

In the summer the ponds and wetland areas behind our house are alive with the chirping and croaking of all the wetland animals. One of the most fascinating inhabitants is the almost magical dragonfly. The dragonflies’ beautifully colored wings shimmer in the sunlight as they flit around the pond. Bring one of these enchanting insects home by making your own wool roving dragonfly.


Wool Roving Dragonfly Materials:

To begin, gather together an assortment of small twigs from your yard and soft colored wool roving. You will also need a base of white roving.

how to make wool roving dragonfly

Choose a relatively straight twig and remove any extra branches. A few knobby bumps are great and will suggest the dragonfly’s segmented body. Cut or break the twig to be approximately 3 1/2 inches long.


To make the wings of your wool roving dragonfly, tear a piece of white wool roving to about 9 inches long.


Pull off little wispy pieces of blue, green and purple wool roving and place on the front and back of the white roving. Keep colorful accents very slight. You want to create an iridescent and almost see-through look for your wool roving dragonfly wings.



Place your twig on top of the roving, right in the center.



Tie in a single knot in your wool roving around the twig.


Pull the knot taunt and position the wings to resemble a dragonfly. Add a string if you would like, and hang your wool roving dragonfly in a window. You can also make several more wool roving dragonflies and create a mobile.

wool roving dragonfly directions


1 Comment

  1. Very lovely indeed.

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