My mom has this thing for scarves and shawls. Once the temperature dips below 70 degrees (not kidding) she starts layering them on. She can be seen wearing 2 or 3 at a time… in the house. Mocking aside… for Christmas a couple years ago I bought her a beautiful, hand carved wooden shawl pin. I found it on etsy at a shop called South4th. Although it was stunning it felt too small to wrap up by itself… I was fearful it would get lost under the tree. So at the last minute, I designed this neck warmer/scarf as a quick project (very quick… one movie knit) to use as a carrier for the hand carved Butterfly Shawl Pin.
This scarf was designed not to be tied but to be closed with the shawl pin. If you do not have a shawl pin you can easily add length in the neck portion to make it a full scarf. But I do encourage you to go check out South4th’s shop.
Butterfly Diamond Scarf Pattern
(add to your Ravelry queue)
Use size 10.5 and a homespun type yarn (less than 1 skein)
Gauge is not important
cast on 2 sts
First Diamond:
k to last 1 then k into front and back of last st
repeat increase rows until there are 19sts
k to last 2 then ssk
Repeat decrease rows until there are 9 sts remaining
Second and Third Diamonds:
K to last 1 then k into front and back of last st
repeat increase rows until there are 19sts
k to last 2 then ssk
Repeat decrease rows until there are 9 sts remaining
(Repeat diamond pattern)
Main Neck Portion:
K to last 1 then k into front and back of last st
repeat increase rows until there are 19sts
K until Main neck portion (the 19 sts wide section) measures 12” long (or add length here if you would like to tie your scarf)
k to last 2 then ssk
Repeat decrease rows until there are 9 sts remaining
Forth and Fifth Diamonds:
K to last 1 then k into front and back of last st
repeat increase rows until there are 19sts
k to last 2 then ssk
Repeat decrease rows until there are 9 sts remaining
(Repeat diamond pattern)
Last Diamond:
K to last 1 then k into front and back of last st
repeat increase rows until there are 19sts
k to last 2 then ssk
Repeat decrease rows until there are 2 sts remaining
Cut Yarn and pull through the last two sts
Weave in ends.
Just a bit of a note here in response to my "mocking" daughter She isn’t lying… as a matter of fact, she isn’t even exaggerating! But I have trouble with heat, too! I have about a 3 degree level of comfort… from 71 to 74 degrees. Get outside of that and I’m hot or freezing. Obviously, my internal thermostat is useless. Basically, I’m cold blooded Anyway, this is an incredible toasty scarf. For a small amount of yarn and a small investment of time, you have an adorable scarf that is a high performer… heat wise And I have yet to wear the scarf and pin when I haven’t received tons of compliments. Thank you, sweetie
You guys are too funny. Wish I had that kind of relationship with my mom. Oh well. So I’m loving the design of the scarf but with warmer weather around the corner, right, do you think it would work well in cotton or linen?
I’m not sure how well cotton/linen would hold the shape. You would probably need to knit at a tighter gauge to get it to hold up. If you want to try it I would suggest using more like size 8 needles and and adding extra stitches (guessing somewhere around 6-8 stitches) to keep the width about the same. If you play with it… let me know how it works out. I would love to see it in another yarn.
I love butterflies. So cute. I’m starting on Christmas gifts (hate to knit in the summer). Adding this to the list.