1. votre blog est gu00E9nial
    mille bravo et merci pour tous ces free
    aujourd’hui, je suis une mamie comblu00E9e gru00E2ce u00E0 vous

  2. I stumbled upon this wonderful website and I love everything you are doing. Your patterns are simple and delightful. Can I make any of these, changing the pattern just a tweak, and sell on Etsy, or is this a NO NO? i think these would be so cute made on the top of a closepin. Thanks, Karen kghornsten@yahoo.com

    1. Hi Karen~Here is our official stand on selling projects made with our designs as for in our FAQs.

      Can I sell items made from projects on your website? Here’s our "official" stand on the topic. At this time the answer is yes, but with a contingency. You must give credit to Wee Folk Art as the designers and include a link to our website. Bear in mind, that WE do not sell our patterns, but offer them for free. So, in the spirit of sharing, we ask that you provide the same opportunity to others and respect our creative sensibilities! Sounds fair, right? To make it easier, Michelle made a PDF of our business cards. You can download them HERE. Just print them, cut along the guidelines, and you’re good to go. If you are selling items you made with our patterns, you now have a handy dandy little card you can include with your projects!

      Remember, we do not make any money off the patterns we share, but we support cottage industries and are delighted that people can earn money using our patterns. Please, just be respectful and give credit where credit is due. And it is not necessary to "tweak" the patterns unless your creative juices command you 🙂 Good luck. We would love to share a link to your Etsy shop with our readers. Just drop the site in a comment here or email us at weefolkart@yahoo.com 

      1. i would also love to be able to sell some little gnomes made from your pattern along with me felted gnome houses, would that be alright? i will definitely make not in the listing that the pattern is from here 🙂

        1. Please read this section Can I sell items made from the projects on your website? in our FAQs. https://weefolkart.com/content/frequently-asked-questions-faq If you have any other questions, please email me at weefolkart@yahoo.com.

  3. Thank you for all that you share on your site! I just love all of the creative ideas and projects and I am so inspired to make things for my little boys! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Your lovely site is nourishment for a mother’s soul! Thank you for making it so accessable and simple, – I am so grateful!

  4. I just wanted to say i have only just found your site and how beautiful it is.

    really inspriational and am looking forward to making some Gnomes.

    Keep up the brilliant work.

    Jane Wheeler

  5. I am just exploring your site for the first time – WOW! I love your free patterns and tips. Thank you so much for sharing your talent and experience with other crafters. I am blown away.

    1. You are very welcome 🙂 We hope you find inspiration here at Wee Folk Art. There's always new things on the horizon, so stop by often.

  6. All these free patterns are wonderful. I downloaded quite a few of them and can’t wait to use them. It is so gracious of you to share them with everyone. Thanks so much for sharing.

  7. I wish I could download all of them! Every single pattern is attracting my attention. I have Downloaded as much as I could. Great collection! Go ahead with your blog! I would like to share an important thing with all – Easy housemate. Let’s see how everybody is thinking about this post…

  8. All of your patterns are so creative!…Love them!

    1. Thanks so much. We love to craft… obviously… and it is sure joy to be able to share our patterns with others!

  9. just found your site through ravelry. such wonderful crafts. thank you for sharing. very kind!!!!!!! laura

    1. So glad you found us. Hope you stop by often and make yourself at home 🙂

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