There was no white Christmas this year. Those of us that live in the Northern United States, like Michigan, tend to feel cheated when our Christmases aren’t white. It’s what we’ve come to expect after all. It’s what “they” sing songs about, center movies around, and it is the quintessential scene on the vast majority …
applique blocks
Gingerbread Tree Applique Block
Here is the fourth and final applique from the December Applique Blocks Collection. As always, the Gingerbread Tree Applique was designed to fit on a 6″ x 6″ block, but it can be reduced or enlarged to meet your needs. We hope you and your family can find many ways to use this collection, …
Gingerbread Star Applique
Here is the third applique from the December Applique Blocks Collection. As always, the Gingerbread Star Applique was designed to fit on a 6″ x 6″ block, but it can be reduced or enlarged to meet your needs. Since I designed this, I was thinking they would be so cute to reduce and turn into …
Gingerbread Stocking Applique Block
Although this is part of our December Applique Blocks, it can be used any time you need a whimsical stocking and you can make it with or without the “cookie”. It was made to fit a 6″ x 6″ block but it can be enlarged or reduced to meet your needs. This could easily be …
December Applique Blocks
Over the years Michelle and I have done many projects that actually haven’t wound up on Wee Folk Art. Usually, we just get too busy to worry about our cameras or sometimes we’ve had other plans for our projects, and we haven’t included them on the blog. One of these projects is a collection of …
Nativity Applique Block
I can’t believe how quickly time scurries by… Four years ago we shared our Advent Celebration with our readers. It is a four week long program and each week we focused on a different theme: Week 1 – Gift Giving from the Heart, Week 2 – Symbols of Christmas, Week 3 – Celebrating with Family, …
Cheerful Sunflower Coloring Page
Here is our Cheerful Sunflower Applique Block turned into a Cheerful Sunflower Coloring Page. You can see I’ve taken the sunflower out of the corner and completed the leaves and stem. You can find the Cheerful Sunflower Coloring Page HERE. You can find the Cheerful Sunflower Applique Block HERE. You can find the October Applique …
Cheerful Sunflower Applique Block
I have always loved sunflowers, I think that is why I love Vincent Van Gogh so much. To me sunflowers help make that transition from summer to autumn. We have many feeders in our yard, and we have found over time, the medium ground sunflowers are enjoyed by all our birds, from the smallest finch …
October Applique Blocks
Here’s a collection of October Appliques… more cheery than scary… but just right for Halloween! In previous years we have shared the Black Bird and the Black Cat Applique Blocks. Over the next two weeks we will share the directions and patterns for the Stacked Pumpkins and the Cheery Sunflower Applique Blocks. And, for those …
Watermelon Applique Block
My mother came from a large family. My bushia had 13 children, 10 lived long enough to have their own families. It was awesome being a part of something so large and loving! Every summer we would gather together at a local park and have a family picnic. You couldn’t really call it a reunion, …
Applique Block :: Bunny
So, it’s like this. I love bunnies. I love them when are all tiny and cute and I love them when they are all grown up. We even invite rabbits into our yard. In our greenbelts, we keep piles of brush mounded high. Makes a perfect place for rabbits to raise their young. At dawn …
Applique Block – Woodland Owl
Few things are more icon of woodlands and autumn then owls. And, here, lording over his domain, is a whimsical, yet wise owl… much like his creator This applique, like most of ours, was designed to fit a 6″ x 6″ block, but the pattern can be enlarged or reduced to meet your …