Learn how to make a simple homemade nature journal paper craft using recycled cardboard. Convert one of our many applique patterns into a paper craft for the cover art. The other day we talked about Letterboxing. Today, we are sharing a project on how to make a journal that is perfect to take on your letterboxing outings. Of course, you can …
Snail Applique Block
Although snails might not be welcomed visitors in your garden, they are certainly a sign of summer! And, if they are not ravishing your tender young plants, they are cute as… well, cute as a bug's ear I know the wee ones are fascinated with snails, and the geek in me always marvels at the the mathematical formula, The Fibonacci sequence, that is visible in the spiral in a snail's shell. [Want to know more about …
Show and Tell Fridays
I wanted to share these great needlework pieces I recently dug out of storage. My mom made these while she was pregnant with me, and they hung in my nursery. I had them out briefly in our old house, but they have sadly been packed away for the past three years. I am so happy …