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Coloring Pages Winter

Winter Tree Coloring Page

Winter Trees by George Szirtes Aren’t you cold and won’t you freeze, With branches bare, you winter trees? You’ve thrown away your summer shift, Your autumn gold has come adrift. Dearie me, you winter trees, What strange behaviour, if you please! In summer you could wear much less, But come the winter – you undress! …

Coloring Pages Fall

Autumn Tree Coloring Page

Although autumn brings with it an array of new colors… oranges, gold, browns and maroons… filling our landscape with a bold splash of color… often our skies are dreary and gray. Thank goodness for all the colors in our trees and bushes. You can use today’s coloring page to try to reflect the realism of …

Crafting Fall

Paper Bag Gnarly Trees

    The other night at the Pumpkin Carving Party, my SIL Jennifer, was telling me about these paper bag trees she made with her Brownies. I must have looked like I was lost in the muck and mire because she finally said, “Geeze… just get me a paper bag and I can show you …