Note: I DO NOT share my watercolors because I think they are perfect. Quite the contrary. I am self-teaching and learning, and I hope I can encourage other would be painters to join me in the journey 🙂 Remember… I’m not seeking perfection, I’m seeking JOY.

As my love affair with watercolors continues, not only am I experimenting with paint, I am also playing with other techniques.

I wanted to paint a whimsical winter scene, because, after all, if I’m not whimsical, I’m nothing! I wanted it light and airy, yet give definition and movement to the snow. Lately I’ve enjoyed Zentangle. If you are unfamiliar with Zentangle it is a method of creating images by drawing structured patterns. The “Zen” part comes from the almost trance-like, meditative quality of repeating a pattern over and over again. I’ve started incorporating Zentangle elements in some of my drawings, paintings and journaling. Each of the 3 hilly sections of the snow has a different, VERY simple Zentagle pattern, since I wanted to keep the overall composition light.

I have a long and exciting journey ahead of me. Each time I put watercolors to paper I learn something else about using color, blending and the very nature of watercolors. I am also learning to combine techniques, while finding a style that stays true to my artistic tendencies. Basically, I’m having a blast!

Here are a few books I’ve gotten on Zentangle. There are also many sites online that share Zentangle patterns for free. The wee ones love creating the different patterns and quickly create their own. If you haven’t tried Zentangle yet, give it a try. Even if you think you can’t draw, I believe everyone can Zentangle. It truly is very relaxing!


One Zentangle A Day by Beckah Krahula

Zentangle from the Heart by Jeanne Paglio and Michael Hale
Copyright © Wee Folk Art 2008 – 2014. All rights reserved.

Photos from Amazon 1-22-14