While I’m off playing with the Little Lady in Wisconsin, Marie, from Soft Earth’s World blog, has graciously become our first guest blogger, for which we are truly grateful. As a wanna be needle felter myself, I look at her designs, both soft sculptured figures and beautiful wool painted tapestry, and I see what I aspire to learn. Michelle and I are so excited that she is sharing a tutorial on making a beautiful Blue Bird of Happiness. Given this wonderful tutorial, shame on me if I don’t give it a try when I return home from my trip. (Tim, get the band-aids ready 🙂 There are many ways you can follow Marie. You can follow her on New Zealand Handmade, where she currently has a swell tutorial on making a needle felt pumpkin (so hard to wrap my head around the fact that it is autumn for half the world and not spring!) and Soft Earth’s World blog. Or, for ample eye candy, visit her BEAUTIFUL Etsy shopSoft Earth Art, and prepare to be WOWed! (I am especial smitten with her ethereal tapestry “The Star Keepers” but everything is lovely!) I am hopeful that everyone will express their gratitude to Marie for filling in for me by leaving her warm fuzzy comments here, and by paying her delightful shop a visit. So, without further ado… welcome to Marie’s world!  

The Enchanted World of Needle Felting

Soft warm wool, rainbow colors
What a joy to touch and feel
What imagination can be found in a simple needle, a foam
pad, and carded wool

I fell in love with this medium and now create Enchanted Art with it
From making a simple angel hung with gold thread
To a complicated 3D wall hanging

I live in New Zealand, the land of sheep
On a small homestead in the rural countryside
My inspiration comes from Mother Nature
And the Enchanted World

Here is my tutorial for making The Blue Bird of Happiness

You will need: Carded wool, needle felting needle and a small piece of sponge pad.

1. Take a piece of wool 7 inches long, make a knot 1 inch from the end, fold small bit
over head and needle felt in.

2. Fold under and over (like a fan) and needle felt in forming the body.

3. Take a piece of wool 7 inches long and fold in half, lay this on the back of the bird, this forms the tail, needle felt in.

4. Take a piece of wool 5 inches long and wrap it around the birds body, going over and under, needle felt in.

5. Take a 5 inch piece of wool and wrap it horizontally around the bird and needle felt in.

6. Spend a bit of time firming the bird by poking it with the needle.

7. Get a small bit of pink wool for the beak and needle felt it first on the sponge pad, then add to bird.

8. Add some dark blue wool for the eyes and you have it, you own little blue bird of happiness.

This is an original design by Softearthart. Have fun.

Marie’s description of herself and her crafting taken from Soft Earth’s World blog… I am a friend,a wife and a Mother, a full time needle felt artist with two online shops. I live the peaceful life, surrounded by green organic gardens and beautiful trees. Being surrounded by Mother Nature, gives me the creative energy to put light into my works of art. I could not do what I do,if I were anywhere else, is it not interesting how life leads us in a certain direction, my wish is to warm peoples hearts and ignite in them a stirring of their spirits, through my art. View some of my needle felt art on my online shop. www.softearthart.etsy.com My art work is Waldorf inspired. “Happy days” Cheers Marie

REMINDER: If you would like to be included in our growing list of guest bloggers, just read the guidelines, and send your ideas to weefolkart@yahoo.com.