Several weeks ago one of our readers asked if we take requests for applique blocks. Basically I think I told her, "Absolutely, if it's something I want to make " In other words, ask me to design a computer keyboard… probably won't get to that. But ask me to design something as cute a hedgehog… well, I can hardly say no. So, to "guest" that requested a hedgehog… here ya go. Hope you like him. Not to toot my own horn, but I think this little guy is so stinkin' cute I want to adopt him and give him a name! Maybe Stanley… he looks like a Stanley, right?
Anyway… here is our latest applique block, designed to fit on a 6" x 6" block, but it can be enlarged or reduced to meet your needs. We are in the process of having our exterior painted… rather our house's exterior painted. I wonder if Tim would freak if I found a little nook to paint this guy on the house. Going to have to think about this, then perhaps ply him with a Boston Cooler, and pitch the idea
In the meantime, our Hedgehog Applique Block can be found HERE. Enjoy
Copyright © Wee Folk Art 2008 – 2011. All rights reserved.
All photos, text and patterns are copyright protected. You may not copy, reproduce or redistribute any material found on without written permission. Wee Folk Art retains all rights.
Adorable! I have a stupid question though…what so you do with felt appliquu00E9 blocks? I’m always tempted to make yours, then realize I’d make it, then stick it in a pile somewhere with no idea how to make it useful or display it. If you haven’t already, maybe you could write a post sometime on your top ways to use or display an appliquu00E9 block?
Sometimes I feel like a research scientist, making discoveries, not providing application! I design my applique blocks and let other people tell me how they use them. We've had people use the patterns, adding 1/4" seams around the edges, and applique the designs to quilts. We've had people blow up the designs and paint them on walls. We've had people shrink the designs and make pins and barrettes. We've had people use the designs in felt at the size they are in quiet books. They have been made into stencils and stenciled on t-shirts. We've had people take the designs, add a back, and stuff them. I've seen lovely wall hangings where people combines several designs. People have taken the simpler designs and cut them out of wood.
I share the designs in felt because the stitching and lines are easy to see, but as you can see, you do not need to limit yourself to felt blocks. Frankly, I think this little guy would look darn cute on a tote bag, don't know. And I bet he'd turn a lot of heads when you took him out in public. It's breaking my heart to think you like the designs but not sure what to do with them. The answer is… just about anything. (Okay… thinking this little guy would look cute blown up a bit, then made into a perfect birthday cake for a wee one.) See what I'm saying? Just let your imagination run wild
BTW… check out this link to see how one of our readers used our designs
Ohh… I want a hedgehog birthday cake!
You can think even bigger. Check out our posts on resizing patterns…
Kimara, I would love to see a series of the apes (gibbon, orangutan, gorilla, chimp/bonobo, human) …. of course, that could get a little excessive, so maybe just a gorilla? I love your blog, thank you. You are a constant source of inspiration.
Yikes! That's a pretty tall order. Although I'm not sure I could do justice to the distinction between all of them (although I'm a true fan of the gibbon) I did but "gorilla" on a post-it. One of these days
Thanks for the suggestions.
How cute is cute!!!!!!You are soooooo talented. I am thinking of making an appliqued quilt with your block designs. Have started a monkey quilt for youngest grandson. Thanks for all the wonderful designs.
Pictures… I need pictures of finished projects. It is always so much fun to see what our readers come up with!
Stanley is so-o-o-o-o cute! Thank you.
What a great web site love the Hedgehog. Thank u