EDIT: For all you lovely people that are helping us, and for anyone else that hasn’t signed up yet, to easily find your assigned months, go to the Archive’s Link found in the left column under More Wee Folk Art. Here is the direct link to the Archives: https://weefolkart.com/?q=node/433
It has long been a pipe dream of Michelle’s and mine to make our way through our archives to make sure links are working and the proper photos are in place. For all of our good intentions, we are so busy with the here and now, we can’t seem to find the time to fix the past! We know there are many mistakes. We switched our hosting server 18 months ago, and many of the old blogs really got messed up, with broken links and mixed up photos. Also, we have tabs across the top of our blog, right under the header, that are direct links to listings of our patterns, applique blocks, recipes, stitch glossary, coloring pages and homeschooling curriculums. Sometimes we get sidetracked and unfortunately, some of our projects have never been put in the galleries, so they seldom get viewed.
It is easy enough to check our past blogs for accuracy, but you can imagine how time consuming it would be for us to do it all ourselves? Then we got a brilliant idea… why not ask our readers for some help? Would you be willing to help us out by taking a month or two of our archives, and just check to make sure all the links work, that the correct photos are in place, and that the projects are included in the appropriate galleries?
We are hoping many of you will be willing to help, making the process fast and simple. If you would like to lend a “helping hand”, simple email us at weefolkart@yahoo.com, and let us know if you would help by editing 1 or 2 months, and we will reply assigning the month/s to you. Then simply scroll through that month, read over the blogs, and make sure we included links and that they are working, that the photos are correct, and that they are listed in the appropriate gallery. If you find a problem, record the DATE, BLOG TITLE, and PROBLEM. When you have finished with the month, simply email the data back to us. Remember, many hands make light work. We are hoping to get a great response and lots of readers willing help.
Michelle and I can then focus strictly on making the corrections for problems our readers found! You will be our editors. This will make the whole WEE FOLK ART experience better for everyone. BTW… don’t worry about spelling or punctuation. We’re not perfect and we can live with that We just want to make sure the website is working properly.
So here’s your chance to give something back to WFA. Much thanks in advance for your help!
BTW… The pattern for our Helping Hands Applique Block was made to fit a 6″ x 6″ block. It can be enlarged or reduced to meet your needs. The pattern can be found HERE.
Copyright © Wee Folk Art 2008 – 2011. All rights reserved.
All photos, text and patterns are copyright protected. You may not copy, reproduce or redistribute any material found on WeeFolkArt.com without written permission. Wee Folk Art retains all rights.
I’m delighted I can do something to help you guys out. You unselfishly give us so much. I’ll be emailing you. Thanks for giving us a chance to help you!!!
If you use WordPress, there is a plugin that checks for broken links for you. It is called Broken Link Checker (appropriate, yes?)
What a wonderful way to participate and contribute to this great resource! I’m emailing you now.
I would love to help! You two have helped me with my crafting and homeschooling. I would love to give back to WFA. I will send you a message with my email.