Yesterday there was a lovely comment made by Tara at Fiddle Mama. (Thank you, Tara 🙂 She also mentioned that she just made the Quick Craft Basket. She was delighted that now she has all their crafting supplies in one spot, and when the creative juices start flowing in her wee ones, she isn’t riping the house apart looking for supplies, they’re all in a basket, ready to go.

It made me think of a couple of PERSONAL truisms:

First, if something is left out, I am more apt to use it. If I have to dig through cluttered cupboards or stand on step stools to get supplies and toys, chances are they won’t be used as frequently as items laying about.

And, if I deem something ugly, I tend to hide it. 
So, over the years I’ve learned to hide crafting supplies and toys in plain site. For me, the secret is to have lovely containers to hold my supplies and to own beautiful toys, made with natural materials, that become part of my decor.

Like my Gnome Home…

And my knitting baskets…

And the play silks with changing colors for the seasons…

And a table that holds wooden toys which I rotate frequently to renew interest…
A quick look at the cupboard at the top of the post, and you see an Autumn display. Look closer and you’ll find knitting supplies, toys, and yes, the Quick Craft Basket. (Notice in the corner of the room you can see a three tiered basket holding other crafting supplies for children along with their books and magazines.)  

Throughout the house I have bowls, baskets, boxes and shelves that are both functional and appealing to me. Storage does not need to be unsightly, but it can become a beautiful addition to your room. Instead of trying to hide everything or resigning myself to look at unattractive containers, I am always looking for ways to display art supplies, yarn, and toys in a manner that I find pleasing. If you are tired of looking at the clutter that children inevitably create, try hitting garage sales and resale shops and see just how creatively you can hide supplies in plain site!