We have just returned from a visit with our son Adam, and his lovely new bride, Raewyn. Did I take any pics of them? No. But I took plenty of their 11 month old Komondor aka Hungarian Sheepdog, Ari.
Ari is the process of getting his adult coat, and traditionally, the fur is separated to create a coat of dreads, giving them the nickname of “Mop” dogs. The photos really don’t do Ari justice. He is a big dog, nearly 100 pounds, but looks much bigger because of the fur. He is in his awkward teens, between his puppy fur and adult coat. Below is a photo of what a mature, well groomed Komondor looks like
Adam told me Ari was creating quite a sensation in their town of Greenville, SC. After a walk through town, and lunch at an outdoor cafe, with Ari, I see what he means. Almost everyone that we passed on the street stopped to ask about his breed, take his picture, or simply gawk.
Greenville, known for their “dog friendly” atmosphere, has many outdoor restaurants and bars where dogs are welcome. Last week, the people at the tables around them decided to turn Ari’s popularity into a “drinking game”. Whenever someone stopped to ask about Ari, they took a drink. When someone asked for a photo, they finished their drink. Needless to say, spirits ran high If you live in the Greenville, South Carolina area, watch for Ari. If you see him, tell him “Gammy says Hi!”
(Ari chillin’ with Adam)
I think we are done with our travels for the remainder of the year. (Still might fit in one more trip to Madison to see the Little Lady and Little Guy Anyway… Michelle does Thanksgiving at her house, so I think I’m ready to begin preparing for Christmas. Woke up this morning to a light dusting of snow… ho ho ho
BTW… for more info on Komondors, you can check them out HERE.
My what a big boy! Congrats on the new grand……..puppy
That is such a cute bear!! Is this breed good with kids? Imagine playing with him on the floor as a child? I would have loved to had one Ari of my own. Although we had small zoo at home, but no Ari!! Beautiful dog!
He is wonderful with children. He is quite the town around town little kids come up to him all the time and give him hugs, kisses, and just cozy up to him. He just takes it all in. And he loves attention. Biggest problem is that he is big, and when he gets excited, he could knock wee ones over, but I'm sure they'd just jump up and continue playing. He is a real charmer.
I read up on the breed a while back when I was looking for a guard pooch that’s kid approved. Komondors are protective of their families, but because of their size they can get a bit rough for kiddos so, as with All dogs – even 5 pounders – ensure an adult is always supervising. I passed because the poor thing would wilt in the Texas heat.
I’ve read that they’re fearless and, really, who’s going to mess with a dreaded dog?! (Heh heh heh . . . I couldn’t resist the horrid pun.)
I love puns… even horrid ones, although I think "dreaded" was clever : ) Dogs that "shepherd" tend to guard their family's. We've have border collies for years, and they are leery of new people. But, when people are introduced properly, herders don't mind increasing their flocks
Ari is still a pup… 11 months old. He may become more protective as he grows over, but I think because he is out and about all the time, meeting new people, he'll probably always be accepting… but time will tell!
il est superbe ce chien !