Showing: 1 - 8 of 8 RESULTS

A, My Name is Alice

“When I was a kid”… boy, that sounds like something your dad would start out a conversation with when he was trying to make a point of “how easy you kids got it today”, right?  Let’s try this again… “back when I was a child” (sounds better, right?) all we needed was a piece of chalk, a ball, and a jump …

Memories & Musings Summer


We grew up in little house in a large subdivision. These “subs” were popping up in the shadows of large cities all over America. They were the product of the post World War II Baby Boom. My siblings and I were born at the tail end of the boom, but our childhood, and I’m afraid now our aging …


Game of Jacks Giveaway Winners

First off… as always, must send our thanks to Sarah at Bella Luna Toys. Her generosity never ceases to amaze me. Then, we'd like to thank everyone that entered. Remember, if you don't win today, we are having at least 1 giveaway a week throughout the summer. Hopefully, you'll get a chance to win 🙂



In the summertime I could spend hours playing Jacks. And when I talk Jacks, I must talk Grandma Pearl. My Grandma Pearl taught me many things, including how to knit, BUT as a child, I was most impressed with her Jack playing expertise. This old lady was a Jack playing wizard! When she pulled out her little bag of Jacks, …


Not It!

In this first installment of In The Good Old Summertime series I will be sharing a handful of rhymes. You will notice as we go along that I will be sharing many different rhymes. Unfortunately, today many children know few or no rhymes. It truly is a shame because learning rhymes helps children in many ways.  …


In the Land of the Pharaohs

Bug, Fairy and Pixie are learning about Ancient Egypt. When they needed a pyramid, and needed one fast, we got out the Big Bucket-O-Legos and started building. After about an hour, the five of us… Bug, Fairy, Pixie, Mommy and Gammy, constructed a pyramid we were all pretty darn proud of. When we were done, …