When you’re creative, nothing in your life needs to be boring. Here is a totally fun glass case that would be equally comfortable hanging out with an adult or child. Crafted from soft felt and flannel, adorable through and through, if you don’t wear glasses, you’re going to wish you did!
1 piece felt and 1 piece flannel 7″ x 8″
felt scraps
embroidery thread
small flower buttons
1] Make copy of pattern.
2] Cut out the inside and outside of the glass case. Decide on the colors for your birds and cut out all pieces and leaves.
3] Using the pattern as a guide, mark the vine on the felt, and following the directions on the pattern, embroider the vine, Add the leaves. (There will be places where part of the birds will cover part of the leaves. This will give the piece a dimensional look.)
4] Following the pattern, applique on the birds, building the bird as you go along. (i.e. First applique on large body piece, then on 2 birds, the head piece. Next, add the wings, beak, then eyes.) Although not on the pattern, I embellished the birds using 6 strands of embroidery. I used french knots, cross stitches, and straight stitches. You can leave them plain, following my suggestions, or come up with any embellishment you’d like. Perhaps you’d like to add beads. Go crazy!
5] Finish the embroidery by adding the various flowers and buttons. If you don’t have flower buttons, cut out felt ones or use another decorative embroidery stitch. NOTE: I did not sew on the top flower button until after I sewed the outside to the inside. It is so close to the edge it could have interfered with sewing the pieces together.
6] Pin the inside to the outside with right sides together.
7] Sew them together leaving a 2″ opening on the bottom back side.
8] Trim the corners to reduce some of bulk, turn, and lightly press. Slip stitch the opening closed. Add your last button.
9] Fold the glass case lengthwise, matching bottom and sides. The embroidery side should be on the outside. Starting on the front at the top opening, blanket stitch down the side and bottom. Make sure your stitches are tight, but not so tight that the sides are puckering. Your work should lay flat.
Tah Dah! You’re done. Slip your glasses inside and they’ll rest comfortably until you are ready to wear them again!

Copyright © Wee Folk Art 2008 – 2009. All rights reserved. All photos, text and patterns are copyright protected. You may not copy, reproduce or redistribute any material found on WeeFolkArt.com without written permission. Wee Folk Art retains all rights. All projects, patterns and directions are meant for your personal use and neither the patterns nor completed projects may be used for personal gain.
Me parece hermoso el trabajo para guardar anteojos, en cuanto lo realice le avisare para poder verlo ustedes. Gracias.
Waouh!!!! C’est tru00E8s beau!!! (beautiful)
ohhhh quelle merveille ! bravo cath
Absolutely LOVE this tutorial, well done.