It has been a busy, crazy summer here filled with both the wondrous and the sad… but definitely full. Slowly I’ve been working on my summer knitting project, the Agave Tank.I haven’t had the chance to just sit and work non-stop yet. I’ve only managed a row or two here and there but it is coming along. Hopefully I will get a chance to wear it a few time before the weather turns.
The other big project that has been eating up my time is that we are going to be transferring Wee Folk Art to a new blog platform. This is big. Huge. We have kinda of a monstrous database… considering we are a “photo heavy” site with a hefty index to boot. As always, we are undergoing this gigantic task because we believe that it will improve the blog experience for everyone. It does mean though, that we will be offline for at least a portion of the weekend. We are hoping that the site will only be down for a few hours as we move everything around… but as many of you know, computers have a mind of their own and we may run into some issue that take a bit longer to fix.
Basically what we are saying is don’t freak out if Wee Folk Art is giving you error messages or is down for a seemingly long time this weekend. No worries – we will be back and better than ever. Before we go down we suggest that you take a moment to sign up for our email updates (found in the side bar). You will receive an email once the site is back up and running.
Have a great weekend. We will be back shortly!