I am notorious for losing, oh, let’s call it misplacing, things. My son has a Montblanc pen. He’s had it forever. NEVER give me anything of value unless it is screwed to my person. I go through pens and pencils like they were kleenex. I have no idea what I do with them… they just disappear. I’m also awful with hair clips. Pairs of barrettes soon become solos. So I can hardly get upset with young children for losing their hair clips. For that reason, when making barrettes for Pixie and Fairy, I wanted some that were super quick and easy to make, so when they inevitably get lost, it’s no big deal.


Today, I’m sharing apattern for felt covered contour barrettes. They are cheap to buy, quick to stitch up, and cute as can be. The thing I like about my design is the “hood” in the back. Unlike barrette covers that can slide out of the cover, this design will keep the barrette snug as a bug in a rug! I plan to make a mountain more, but I did want to get the pattern on pdq in case anyone would like to make a few for Easter basket tuck ins. Because they are so fast to make, they also would be great to give as party favors, or put together a little basket with 4 or 5 pairs for a special gift. The directions can be found in our FREE Open patterns, but this is just a start. Let your imagination run wild! Enjoy!