Showing: 397 - 408 of 503 RESULTS

Tools We Use

We get asked all the time about the tools we use while crafting. We are trying to compile a list of the items we feel are a must haves as well as some of the nice to haves ;). The format of this page may change as we play with it… but here a a …


Gourd Ghost Sculpture Desktop Wallpaper

As our Trick-or-Treat goodie for all our lovely readers, I just added our Gourd Ghost Sculpture to our free Desktop Wallpaper collection if you would like to update your computer for Halloween 🙂 Also, Kimara and I have a BIG party on Saturday that we are busy preparing for, so we’ll be on hiatus this weekend. If you’d like to hear about our …


Gnome Fabric

This past spring my SIL sent me a suprise gift… a gift card at Spoonflower. So cool! If you are unfamiliar with Spoonflower it is a site where you can upload your own designs and have your very own… totally original… fabric printed. Ahhh… the possibilities here are endless. This just so happened to coincide …


Jack-o-Lantern Buckets

My mom came up with the idea for these Jack-o-Lantern Buckets. She was planning to make a couple for herself (see hers at Wee Folk Art) and thought that the kids would like to make some to use for trick-or-treating. She assembled all the supplies for us and we enjoyed a craft afternoon at her …


Autumn Tree Nature Study

We took advantage of a beautiful afternoon yesterday and completed our Fall Tree Nature Study. We haven’t be doing any of the Handbook of Nature Study Blog Challenges since the spring and we had a lot of fun getting started again. The kids each got to pick new trees for this year. Fairy picked her …


Free Desktop Wallpapers

Here are some Free Desktop Wallpapers that you can download to dress up your computer. We will occasionally be adding images so check back for seasonal updates. To get your Wee Folk Art Wallpaper: First pick out your favorite image. Then choose your screen size. Click on the link. When the whole images loads, right …


Dress Up Vest

I got a chance to make Bug a darker vest for his pirate costume (check out the pirate shirt un-pattern here) and took a bunch of pictures along the way. Here is the Dress Up Vest Un-Pattern or you can find it in our Free Patterns Section. I will also be sharing the quick directions …


Dress Up Vest Un-Pattern

Here is the Un-Pattern for the Child’s Dress-Up Vest. (Why an UN-Pattern? Because you actually have to draw up your own pattern… we just tell you how we made ours). For this project I used about 1 yard of Navy Corduroy and 1 Yard of a cotton print and 3 large silver buttons.     First …


Ahoy Matey!

Dress up clothes are played with daily around here. The box that is supposed to contain them is usually dumped all over the library floor in the kids’ attempt to find some magical accessory that must always be at the very bottom of the bucket. Since they love dress up… planning their Halloween costume is …