Edit: This giveaway is now closed. Thanks to everyone that participated!
WHERE Michelle and I chose to buy toys for the wee ones is every bit as important to us as WHAT we buy the children. We seek out shops and products that carry the finest materials and ones that are mindful of the environment. For that reason, we are THRILLED to share this awesome giveaway, from one of our favorite producers of wonderful products… Sarah’s Silks.
Sarah and her family want to get the word out about how growing all the mulberry trees in China (trees necessary for the silk worm) is helping the pollution problem there. Also, no chemicals can be used on the trees as the silk caterpillars die very easily. Hundreds of small family farms are growing the silk caterpillars and feeding them leaves from the trees! They took a trip to China and found the whole process amazing! You can feel good about buying Sarah’s Silks… wonderful toys for dramatic play and environmentally friendly! Sarah has an article in this issue of Living Crafts on Raising Silk Worms. While the supply lasts, she is also giving away free silk worms to anyone that has immediate access to mulberry leaves. The little buggers hatch fast and are very hungry! Wouldn’t this be a great project to do with the wee ones? Unfortunately, we don’t have any in the area, but if you do, you might want to consider this nature study.
Now… onto the giveaway Can you image anything lovelier than receiving an Easter Basket stuffed with yummies from Sarah’s Silks this spring? I can’t. Wait to you hear what goodies are included in this gift basket!
A beautiful silk lined basket filled with fun toys from Sarah’s Silks.
Hand-dyed rainbow wings
Mini-rainbow streamer
Lavender playsilk,
Reversible blue/rainbow crown.
Awesome, right? And Sarah will ship anywhere, so everyone is invited to participate. To enter, visit Sarah’s shop, Sarah Jane’s Treasure, then come back here and share your favorite products in a comment. And we all like that second chance to win, right? Well, in the next couple of weeks Sarah will be hosting a new blog… can’t wait! To make sure you hear about it, simply slip over to her Facebook Page and become a fan. Then come back here, and in a second comment, let us know you became a fan. (Already a fan of Sarah’s Silks Facebook page? Not going to penalize you for good taste, just leave a second comment telling us you’ve been a fan of Sarah’s for ages!)
The contest runs from today, Wednesday, March 23 through Sunday, March 27, at 9:00 p.m. EST. A winner will be drawn at random. Winners have 1 week to contact us with their snail mail address or another winner will be drawn. Good luck to one and all, and thank you, thank you, thank you, Sarah, for this wonderful giveaway, just in time for Easter!
Personal Message… when you are at Sarah Jane’s Treasures, check out their “Seconds Shop”. I don’t know about anyone else, but our toys get so loved that they look like seconds very soon, anyway! What great deals!
of all the wonderful-ness the Canopys are by far my favorite items!
Lovely. Really like the rainbow play silks.
liked sarahs on FB!
I’ve purchased many of Sarah’s silks from our local Waldorf school. I guess you can never have enough of these beautiful treasures.
oh how lovely! there is nothing more beautiful than a playsilk. I especially love those garden canopy’s.
If I HAD to pick only 1 thing from Sara Jane’s Treasure, it would have to be the wings.
btw: loved the article in Living Crafts!!
just liked Sarah on facebook!
I just liked Sara’s Silks on Facebook
I am already a fan of Sarah’s on FB
Love the playsilks! By far our favorite thing. Our boys love using them in practically all their play.
The lavendar fairy canopy is beautiful but if I had to pick just one more item it would be another silk. Any color really. I LOVE the idea of using the silk as “grass” in an easter basket!
fan of Sarah’s on Fb :)l
My fingers are crossed! Thanks for the giveaway!
Became a fan on fb; love the idea of the seconds bags!
Love the mini play silks
And the canopies!!!!
I’m totally eyeing that dragon costume. Both of my sons love dragons and knights. The star hat is so cute, and the canopies are amazing! I hope we win!
Love the mini play silks
And the canopies!!!!
I guess if i had to narrow it down to just one treasure my favorite would be… the starry night blanket.
New FB fan
How exciting. I love the canopies and the rainbow silkscapes, but everything is so delightful!
I love these as alternatives to the mass produced dress up clothes today! So open for the imagination–lovely!
i love the rainbow wings! and the crown… and well, all of it! i liked sarah on fb, as well. thanks for the giveaway! fingers crossed…
Oh, I thought I already was a fan on Facebook, but I just did it. Thanks for the reminder!
I liked on Facebook!
this is the second comment to say that i’m a fan on facebook personally as well as “liking” her page from my blog’s fb page to add her to my link list
Just became a FB fan of Sarah’s Silks. Already a fan of Wee Folk art, of course. We love Sarah’s Silks here. We did a huge toy purge recently but our silks had to stay! They are one of the few things that get played with consistently every single day.
I visited Sarah page and such pretty stuff. I like the rainbow fairy wings a whole bunch!
I liked Sarah’s facebook page too!
I think my favorite product is the silk parachute. My kids would have a ball with one of those.
I am a fan on Facebook.
I couldn’t find a product I don’t love! Right now, with a birthday approaching, I think my son needs a crown, to celebrate how special he is.
My granddaughter would love the Rose Garden Canopy but really everything is just wonderful.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I loved the tie on capes!! My kids would love that!
I’m a FB fan of Sarah’s Silks – Robin Phillips-Knotts is my id.
Oooh, love it All! But especially the rainbow baby blanket. Love those wings too. Do they make some for adults!? LOL, no seriously.
Thanks for the chance!
Just became a fan!
My little one was sitting next to me as I went through the shop and LOVED the thought of a seahorse on her wrist!
Thank you for another amazing give away
I liked them on FB!
I’m a FB fan too!
If I had to pick one thing that I liked at Sarah Jane’s Treasures I liked the Fairy Skirts.
i love the play canopy as well as the play silks- very good for open-ended imaginative play. thanks for the chance to win!
This took me a while to decide! While my daughters would ADORE many items, especially the mermaid costumes, I am going to have to say my favorite item may just be the rainbow canopy just for the pure unending number of uses it would have! What a wonderful toy to have and to use to spark their imagination. I purge the girls’ toys regularly – am ruthless at giving away the neverending plastic items that come our way – but these would stay forever!
I love everything it is so hard to pick my favourite, I like all the plays silks, the rainbow baby blanket and the knights cape, the canopy and I could go on until I named everything on the page.
And now I went to her site and became a fan!
i adore those canopies and fairy skirts. makes me want to hide out with my daughter and play pretend all afternoon. what a charming little shop! thanks for bringing it to our attention and for the giveaway.
I have been truly amazed how durable the Sarah silks have been. I love the rich colors. The sky is the limit on what can be done with these silks.
I am now a fan, great stuff Happy to be reminded how great on my facebook!
The rainbow baby blanket is my favorite item hands down! This Easter basket looks lovely too. Thank you for the great giveaway chance.
what a great giveaway! the rose garden canopy is just beautiful!
Just became a fan of Sarah’s Silks on Facebook :O)
I like Sarah’s Silks on Facebook.
Wow! How gorgeous; how generous! We love Sarah’s silks!!!
I love being able to find updates on all things lovely on FB. Sarah’s silks will be a happy addition !!
What great stuff! I think my favourite is the Dragon costume – I can just picture my preschool sidekick running around in it!
I’m a FB fan of Sarah’s Silks (and yours!)
I’m a fan of Sarah’s Silks!
My favorite item is the skytail!!!
Of course everything is just lovely in her shop! If I had to choose just one thing right now it would have to be the Skytails. I think my oldest would have so much fun with those. I can imagine him launching them & testing which way they’d fly farther ;D.
I love Sarah’s silks…and I would love the canopy some day. How gorgeous!. Blessings, Daisy xx
We have some of the play silks from Sarah’s silks and they are cherished play things at our house. The next item on my wish list is the rainbow silkscape. So beautiful!! Thank you so much for this great giveaway. I can’t decide who would be more excited to win – my or my kids!!
I “like” Sarah Silks on Facebook. Thanks again!! My fingers are crossed.
Rainbow baby blanket!!!
I’m a fan on facebook now too!
I love the rainbow silkscapes and the regular silks for their open-ended play potential!!!
I “liked” on Facebook, too!
As always lovely items in her shop. Love the rainbow silkscape a lot, would be great on our play stands. . .
I love the rainbow silk scape and the beautiful reversible crowns!
I am a fan on facebook!
I just adore so many of their products. The mermaid costume, rainbow streamer, the fairy skirt and the veil. So beautiful and elegant.
I “like” Sarahs Silks on FB
Now a fan on facebook!
we love Sarah’s silks in our home!! Fantastic open-ended toys and great for imagination
My personal fave on the site was the canopy~ we have a 31 month old daughter who would *love* a little place to hide out from her big brothers
Thank you!
What a lovely giveaway! We love Sarah’s silks in our home.
Just become a fan on facebook.
What a lovely giveaway that someone will be very excited to win! I love the dragon costume over at Sarah’s silks. There is a lot of dragon and princess play around here.
I am already a FB-fan ;o))
I liked Sarah’s Silks on FB
I love the playsilks – they would be perfect for our 3-month old daughter ;o)))
I’m a fan on FB:) Thanks for the chance! Love your stuff.
sarah is so very sweet and we have loved her silks for many years now. thanks for the opportunity!
I love the silk streamers – they look like such fun!
We have loved Sarah’s silks for all the years we have run our steiner inspired playgroup in NSW, there is nothing better for a beautiful story table.
I would love a play scarf in every color for my daughter. Beautiful play things!
i already like sarah’s silks on fb.thanks.
It would be hard to choose between a mermaid costume and a canopy. The canopy would be great to give my almost 6 year old her own space in the room she shares with her 16 year old sister. But she loves mermaids!
I liked Sarah’s Silks on Facebook!
I became a fan on Facebook. Yay!
We love playsilks. They can be used for everything, from games to snugling on the couch.
I really liked the Fish Pond Game. My daughter loves to play games now, so it would be a perfect gift for her.
I love the canopies, and would have loved one as a child.
My 3-yr old also loves the horse harness (which we have from the seconds shop).
I liked Sarah’s Silks on facebook.
I purchased some silks for my daughter Sarah and have been able to pass them down to her little sisters – they love them!
I love the dragon costume!
I “liked” Sarah on facebook!
I have loved Sarah’s silks for years. I think my favorite item is the Rose Garden Canopy. Thanks for the giveaway
I love the rainbow baby blanket and night sky silkscape. Everything is lovely!
I liked her FB page!
2nd Entry – I Liked Sarah Jean’s Treasure’s FB Page.
I love the rainbow cape. Everything in her shop is gorgeous!
Already a facebook fan.
The dragon wand rocks! I also love the wizard hat, but really, who can choose just one of these awesome toys????
liked it on fb… thanks for the great giveaway, feel better soon!
What a beautiful basket of goodies! I love the unicorn costume and so would my little one! Thanks for the opportunity to win this.
Ooooh, fun! I love the starscape silk, and the wings.
Ola, like silk wings. Thanks for giveaway!
My boys are in a medieval phase and would love those swords and playsilks in general! They also would go for the wings, wands, fishing game, streamers, those throwing ball thingies.. gosh how could you ever choose just one thing!
Liked Sarah’s page on FB!
with three girls who live in an imaginative world of wonderment the rose garden canopy would be adored in this bush house. These silks are so lovely!
I see Bella Luna has canopies on sale right now!
Secret Two-Day Sale for our Facebook Friends: Save $30 on any Silk Canopy from Sarah’s Silks with code “CANOPY-SALE” Normally $129.95, now only $99.95. Please share the love and spread the word!
Play Canopy | Play Tents | Sarah’s Silks
Everything is lovely and beautiful. We already have a lovely rainbow silk and so I’d pick the unicorn costume… too cute!
I wouldn’t mind that sweet baby in the lavender silk either… is he/she for sale? ;o)
or a “liker”! So glad this competition is open to the whole planet! How lovely and generous.
I love Sarah’s Silks and have several play silks. I would love for my kids to have: reversible and star capes, fairy skirts, knight costume, silk wings, unicorn costume, and even few more play silks in other colors! Wonderful giveaway!
I love sarah’s silks. And ESP the dragon costume as my son is a knight daily….itd be. A nice change and maybe I could say stop riding the dog he’s not a dragon or, more likely, he’d be wearing the costume!
A friend of sarah’s silks for a long time on facebook
I’ll have to say that the rainbow skirts are some of my favorites. I also like the play silks. My daughter and I have lots of fun playing peek-a-boo with our rainbow silk!
I’d love to get the silkscape. I have a tiny baby rainbow playsilk that we all love here from them
I love the fairy wings! And we are a huge fan of play silks.
and I’ve just became a fan
What a fabulous giveaway! My favourite item is the rainbow skirts for sure…they’ve been on my “want” list for some time!
xo maureen
We have a few silks and they are the first thing my three kids grab when they are playing dress-up. Would love to add the rose garden canopy for a quiet place for the children to curl up- what could be more lovely than to be in your own silk “cacoon”?!
I love the seconds bag, what a great idea. My daughter attends a Waldorf school and we have many of Sarah’s silks and a crown. Lovely!
So many beautiful things! My favorite has to be the fairy wings though – so much prettier and more durable than the wings we have now (made from pantyhose/tights). Wings are a favorite of all my kids too.
These toys create endless possibilities! I like the Rose Garden Canopy the best!
I became a ‘fan’/’liked’ Sarah’s facebook page!
I love the dragon costume and the silk wings. (:
I love love love Sarah’s Silk! Thanks for a chance to win.
What a great give away! I love love love the reversible capes! I will have to get some for my boys one of these day :o)
I want the fairy wings (***FOR ME***) but I think my kids would be happier with a knight or dragon
We love the Rose Garden canopy and everything they make.
sarahs silks products are exquisite playthings for childrens imaginations, i think the large playsilks are the best as they are so open ended and can become anything the child desires
ive liked sarahs silks on facebook, so gad ive found they have a facebook page!
I love the fairy wings.
I liked Sarah’s Silks on Facebook.
the capes are wonderful!
WHat a beautiful giveaway! I simply adore her fairy skirts, they are absolutely beautiful!
I “liked” sarah’s page on facebook!
I love Sarah’s silks– the playsilks are the best but I would love a wizard’s cape for my little one.
I am a fan of Sarah’s Silks on Facebook!
and i visited and liked sarah’s silks – thanks for the giveaway!
I am a Waldorf Preschool Teacher and have many of Sarah’s play silks that morph into the sweetest imaginings throughout the morning. Hoping to be able to get a canopy for the classroom soon. Thank you deeply for the giveaway…..
Many blessings!!
I love love love the nightsky silk. It is gorgeous! Thanks for the opportunity to win something so lovely! : )
I never knew that about the raising of the silk worms! i loooove the the rainbow silk.. so many fantastic ways it can be used!
Wow – great giveaway – my girls would love so many things from her shop – i love the capes (rainbow or reversable) and the mermaid costume is amazing
I really like the mermaid costume. My daughter loves mermaids. I am making her a mermaid doll for her birthday and am thinking about this mermaid costume from Sarah’s Silks
I am a fan of Sarahs Silks onn Facebook
There are so many beautiful things at Sarahu2019s Silks. I would choose the Skytails and the Playsilks to be among my favorites. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!
Is there anything better than watching your children run through the lawn with their fairy skirts and streamers? That is the essence of summer
I can’t believe that I wasn’t already a fan on FB! But I am now
I ‘liked’ on Sarah’s Silks facebook page. And thanks again!
HOW CUTE! My daughter is about to have a birthday and I’ve been looking at some silks for her. Thank you so much for bringing Sarah to my attention!! As for my entry…I love the Princess Hats. What little girl doesn’t dream of having a hat like that?! Adorable!
Just became her Facebook Fan!
What a generous giveaway! I love everything by Sarah’s Silks but I am definitely getting the Rainbow blanket very soon.
I “liked” Sarah’s Silks on Facebook.
Of course, my daughter would love everything princess, but I’m quite fond of the rainbow silkscapes.
I like Sarah’s FB
I love the Rose Garden canopy!
I liked on FB
liked on facebook))
Sarah Jane’s Treasure is a real fairyland. I especially liked streamers: as a child I used to dance with them, sweet memories)) and I also liked the fairy skirts. they are simply amazing))
Maybe it’s just that my eldest is now 6, and I’m anticipating her loosing her first tooth this year…..my favorite item was the sweet little tooth faery pillow.
but really love everything in her shop!
oh my poor wallet! lol!
love love love the reversible capes!
and i’m a facebook fan of Sarah!
The rainbow fairy skirts are adorable!!! Thanks for the splendid giveaway!
Went and liked Sarah’s Silks on Facebook!
We just love dress-ups here (my friends call me the dress-up queen and we have a cupboard full of dress ups) so it is really hard to pick just one favourite from all these gorgeous products.
I can’t decide which I love the best- the dragon costume, the knights costume or the unicorn costume. They’re just gorgeous -I only wish they came in adult sizes lol
Oh, Rose Garden Canopy is definitely my favorite – I dream about it for the last few months
Iu2019m also now a fan of Sarahu2019s Silks on Facebook Sarahu2019s
I like Sarah’s Silks on Facebook – and thank you for wonderful giveaway!
Beautiful and so magical. My 3 year old girl would love this
My girls would love the fairy play skirts, but everything in the shop is fabulous and so in keeping with the type of playthings we purchase for our children. Also, thanks for the heads up about the “seconds”! They may be our first direct purchase:)
My granddaughter would love the rainbow fairy skirts….she loves to dress-up!
My little Buni would love to play with the Rainbow Cape. My daughter has just started getting into dressing up and has begun wearing her playsilks. A silk cape would probably be next on her list.
I went to her FB page and liked her. I also alerted several friends.
My favorite thing would be the playsilks!
Such a soft and colorful breath of Spring! Thank you all for this give-away.
Oh I do love those rainbow silkscapes!!!!!
Fantastic shop! Generous giveaway! Thank you!
~ joey ~
Went to her webpage and my favorite items are the rainbow fairy dress and fairy wings. I would love the giveaway. Please enter me. She does amazing work! Thanks
I am a fan on her webpage. Please re-enter me in for the beautiful giveaway!!! Thanks
Our favorite is the streamers..nothing like two boys running with streamers to make you laugh
I love all of the silks, but my daughter really likes princess dresses right now.
Fan of Sarah’s on FB
I have admired Sarah’s products for a long time and this contest is a wonderful Spring treat.
My favorite products from her store are the Skytails and the Rainbow Streamers. My toddler loves to toss her skytail around in the yard and thinks it is magical.
I have “liked” Sarah’s Silks on Facebook.
The silk streamer gets a lot of use (as does every other Sarah’s product!) at our house. I would love to add to our collection.
I just “liked” Sarah’s on facebook. As well as picking up a bag of playsilk “seconds”. Can’t wait to see what the treasure bag holds!
Wow what a beautiful shop Sarah. I love all the bright silk colors. My son who is 6 is in love with the crowns and streamers. My daughter loved the little streamers and rainbow wings. I hope I win, we really could use some silks. thank you for sharing and making this contest possible. many blessings. much love,monica
Yes, many great things indeed. While they are all lovely, the butterfly wings intrigue me and the streamers keep drawing my attention.
thanks for introducing us to this great work and for sharing!
all the best.
I’d really love a beautiful silk canopy. everything on their site is really nice though. I’d love to be put in for the draw on the basket. great giveaway
Such beautiful things. The lavendar fairy silk canopy is my favorite thing on the site. Would be such a special way to create a small, cozy space for children.
My favorites are the plain silks, there are so many ways they can be enjoyed. We use them as foundations on our nature table, a way to teach and celebrate colors, for hide and seek games, and dress up in our home. You can never have too many silks!
I liked Sarah’s silks on Facebook, and of course love her silks in real life.
I think my son would love the unicorn costume. He is requesting a unicorn birthday party this year- well a unicorn with wings (is that a pegasus?). This is the first year he’ll have a party. I am excited to make it happen!
so many pretty things! the silk canopies are beautiful – the rose garden one is my favourite
thanks for the giveaway x
just became a fan on facebook too
Beautiful!! Count me in!!!
Just became a facebook fan!
What a wonderful giveaway. My kids would love these!
Just popped over to Sarah’s site. So many beautiful silks! I really like the Night Sky Silkscapes:)
Oh the silkscapes are heavenly!
I really like the Knight’s costume. My son would have a LOT of fun dressing up in that.
Thank you for sharing such a great business!
The rose cottage canopy is great. I can make a little place of her own but still keep an eye out. Beautiful.
I became a fan of Sarah’s Silks.
What a great giveaway! Thank you for the chance!
I know some little girls who would LOVE the fairy skirts
That little dragon costume is so adorable! And what a fantastic giveaway, it would be a delight to win!
Those are such lovely things. My little girl would love the reversible fairy skirt!
So thankful!
I love the silk veils. I had never seen them before. Thank you for offering this wonderful giveaway.
My son has been wishing for a crown! Beautiful springtime colors ^_^
Of course I’m already a fan of Sarah’s Silks ^_^
Love the silk veil & canopies. Thank you for another exciting giveaway!
Thank you again!
Hands down! My almost 4 yo has requested a mermaid birthday party- with real mermaids.
“Liked” on Facebook- done!
i love the Princess Dress!! thanks for the chance!
i’m a longtime fan of Sarah’s silks on facebook. tree tiemeyer
I love the silk canopies on the Sarah’s Silks website — just beautiful!
I also Liked Sarah’s Silks on Facebook.
I love the skytails, thanks for the chance to win!
I liked Sarah Silks on FB
I really like the Wizards and Dragon sets! I can’t wait to order something for my grandsons.
I am now a fan of Sarah’s Silks on facebook!
I love the silks! My favorite is the knight costume but my boys would love pretty much any of these!
What a wonderful give away ! My grand-daughter Mei-Lings birthday is coming up and how she would love these delightful things.
I so appreciate the amazing give aways you so often share.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the rainbow playscape
I love the crowns!
We love everything, especially the rose canopy. My daughter has one and I am very envious
And we have two sky tails which are so much fun throwing around on an oval
facebook liked!
We LOVE sarah’s silks ! would love to get this basket!
liked on facebook!!
What a beautiful giveaway!! I love the streamers and sky silks. They are so beautiful and colorful. Just magic flying through the air!!!!
What a great giveaway and just in time for easter! There are so many beautiful items. Our favorite is the emerald playsilk! Thanks for the chance!
liked on facebook
What a great give away! I’m so excited to follow you on FB. I love the simple play skilks- what a beautiful way to let their imaginations fly away
Would LOVE the goody basket for my 2 year old daughter and 4 year old son to share!
What a great giveaway! Skytails and Streamers are my favorites. We’ll see if they are my kids favorites soon.
I love the canopies and all of the fairy and princess skirts, hats and garlands. I have a budding fairy princess in this house!
I just “liked” her Facebook page! Wonderful giveaway!
My son would just love your knights tunic
I “Liked” Sarah’s Silks on FB
Santa brought us reversible capes, the wand, and a couple of playsilks for Christmas. I regretted not getting the crown and wings. Thanks for the chance!
love the silk canopies and the little silk parachutes!
friended on facebook!
I already “like” on Facebook.
I love Sarah’s site especially the fairy skirts! What a wonderful giveaway!
I love the Dragon Costume! My boys would have a wonderful time with it!
I “Like” the Facebook page!
Both my girls are loving the wings on Sarah’s page. Its a toss up between the fairy and rainbow ones.
Just liked Sarah’s page on FB.
What a brilliant article! Such gorgeous items! What a pleasure to look!
What a great give a way! If I had to pick my favorite it is deffinatly the Rose Garden Canopy. I would have had hours of playing in that when I was a kid and I know my little girl would.
Liked Sarah’s on FB
What a great giveaway! I would love to win!
Many thanks…
I love Sarah’s silks. I’ve been wanting new playsilks for awhile since ours are falling apart (after 5 years of play).
I think the capes are gorgeous and also the streamers look like a lot of fun for me too!
“Liked” it on FB as well!
We love the hand dyed rainbow wings!!
liked them on fb as well!
Lovely dress-ups for creative play…we don’t have anything resembling a dragon..that costume would be hands down our favorite!
I loved all the silk in your shop but if I realy have to choose then its the fairy skirt or silk veil
I am now a happy facebook fan too
I love the night sky silkscape!
I also liked her on facebook.
I love, love love the fairy wings!
What a lovely giveaway! My niece’s birthday is coming up and those rainbow wings would be PERFECT for her. She is turning three and LOVES fairies.
My daughter’s love the ribbon wands. They’re so much fun!
I received my order of two grab-bags of Sarah’s Seconds yesterday — a phenomenal turnaround time from the West Coast to the East! The silks are gorgeous! I certainly can’t tell what about them might be less than perfect. I ordered a bag of playsilks and a bag of boy dressups. My three-year-old son has been wearing his cape and crown while holding his wand and “shooting star” skytail nonstop since we opened the box. I’m so impressed. A grab bag of playsilks would make it reasonably economical to include as a birthday party favor. Thanks for putting me onto it!
[…] are done to introduce sponsors. Since we already did that in the spring (you can read about that HERE), we thought we would do something a little different. Sarah sent us one of her Starry Night Silk […]