Showing: 121 - 132 of 139 RESULTS
Family Life

Finger Painting Patio Tables

Today is just gorgeous outside and I wanted to get the kids out to do a big messy project. I was going to have them finger paint at their picnic table but it really needed a good cleaning since it has been outside all winter. Then the brilliant idea of using the bath tub paints we made …

Memories & Musings

Patchwork Pots

There’s this “thing” out there. Before you have a child, you should have a dog for a couple of years. If you can take care of it and manage not to do anything irreversibly stupid, chances are you’re ready for a kid. Some logic here, I suppose! Well, I didn’t do dogs, I did plants, …

Memories & Musings

Stacked Against Me!

(This was originally printed in my old blog, One Generation to Another, on April 2, 2008) When my children were growing up I always kept a mending basket in my room. Sweaters that lost buttons, jackets that needed new zippers and pants that required hemming were layered in the basket. Then, during idle moments, I …

Memories & Musings

I Need a Pocket!

When I was a little girl, I learned a nursery rhyme is school called "Lucy Locket". Lucy Locket, lost her pocket, What a silly thing to do. If you’re not careful, Lucy, Next you’ll lose your shoe! As a young child I found this so absurd. How in the world could one lose a pocket? They …

Memories & Musings

Not Really Here…

Technically, I’m not here…we’re still on holiday. I told myself I wasn’t going to blog for 2 weeks, so I’m not calling this a blog…let’s just say I’m answering a friend’s questions. She asked, “Where do you come up with your ideas and how in the world do you go about turning them into patterns?” My …

Memories & Musings

Is That Strange?

Everyone has a secret wish list. You know, the things that you can’t justifying splurging on when there are groceries to be bought and electric bills to be paid, but they still tug gently on your heart. Personally, I don’t yearn for designer shoes or jewelry, splashy cars or fashionable evenings out. It might sound weird, but I lust …

Family Life

Welcome to Two!

This past weekend we celebrated… but today is the big day. With the oh-so common Mommy Bittersweet feelings that always seem come with birthdays, I welcome my youngest munchkin to the age of two. My dear little Pixie girl, Happy Birthday!