I found a little time this weekend to finish up the bean bag project I’ve been working on. (Also got in some time to muck with the gnome house and came up with totally cute gnome trick or treaters but I’ll get to them later in the week!) Anyway, as I mentioned before I am a beginning crocheter. I was messing around with making circles, and decided if I made a couple, then blanket stitched them together, they would make great, although rather flat, bean bags. They turned out cute and the kids love them. They’ve been flying around all weekend. Thinking about quilting a tic-tac board for them. Later I was thinking if you didn’t sew them together they’d make great coasters. Hmmm, that has Christmas gift written all over them! I will spend some time this week writing down the instructions for all you crocheters. Remember, novice crocheter here! If I can make these, anyone can!