In a blink of an eye, your little fairies can be wearing flowers in their hair. Although these elastic headbands hold just 1 flower, using the same pattern you could easily fill the crown with a bouquet of blooms! Using a purchased elastic headband, scraps of felt, and a few glass seed beads, your wee ones will be ready to dance with the flower fairies
purchase elastic headbands
felt scraps
glass seed beads
floss to match the felt
copy of the pattern found HERE
Make a copy of the pattern.
Cut out 2 large flower petal rings, one small flower petal ring, and 1 leaf. When cutting along the dotted lines make sure you do not cut all the way through.
Using 2 strands of floss, sew the ring shut just at the bottom. Tie off the thread and clip.
Using a running stitch and 2 strands of floss, sew around the inner circle. When you’ve gone all the way around, gentle pull on the threads closing the opening in the center. Tie off the thread and clip.
Make the other two flower petal rings. Leave the thread attached to the small ring after you have securely tied off the thread. The thread should be attached to the back of the ring.
Poke the needle through the center fronts of the remain 2 large flower rings. Position the petals in a pleasing manner, then tie off securely.
Add several glass seed beads to the center of the flower. Tie off and clip the thread.
From the back of the leaf, sew a running stitch around the leaf.
Place the front of the leaf against the center back of the flower. Sew in place being careful not to go all the way through.
Sew the back of the flower to the elastic headband where the headband is joing together.
Now, place on your little fairies’ heads, and send them out to frolic in flowers. Who knows what adventures wait for them

Remember, instead of 1 single flower, you can add as many as you like
Copyright © Wee Folk Art 2008 – 2011. All rights reserved.
All photos, text and patterns are copyright protected. You may not copy, reproduce or redistribute any material found on without written permission. Wee Folk Art retains all rights.
These are adorable, but not nearly as lovely as your own flower fairies! Those eyes on the girls. I’m going to make some of these now. I really love the single flower but my daughter is going to be a flower girl in my brother’s wedding and I’m thinking this would be perfect with a row of white flowers. Love your site. Wouldn’t start my morning without it!
Those are such pretty headbands. I think my little pixies will love them as well… adding this to my list of things to make
Thank you for sharing!
Very pretty headbands and very cute models!
So pretty! My girls will love these.
Questi fiori sono deliziosi, grazie!