Are you guys ready for our very first "In the Good Old Summertime" giveaway? Our friends at Bella Luna Toys and A Child's Dream, wanted to be a part of the summertime fun. So, throughout the summer, we have 14 giveaways planned, to help spread a little sunny joy!
This week, Sarah Baldwin, from Bella Luna Toys, is sharing 2 sets of jacks. Here's the discription:
Our classic Jacks Game set includes:
- twelve metal jacks
- one rubber ball
- one wooden ball
- a fabric drawstring bag
- instructions for five jacks games
- a brief history of "jacks"
Makes a great party favor or stocking stuffer.
Save 10% when you order six or more!
Ages 6 and up
Made in USA
I love this set of jacks. The jacks themselves are a bit smaller than the ones I used as a child, which makes them easier for little hands to pick up. They also come in a drawstring bag, which makes keeping them picked up and put away easier! (Stepping on jacks is NO fun!)
To enter, simply leave Sarah and virtual hug in our comments and tell us who will be playing with the jacks if you win. (Come on… there's nothing wrong with hoping to win them for yourself. Jack playing is highly soothing The contest runs from today through Sunday at 9:00 pm EST, on June 12, when 2… lucky winners will randomly be selected. Winners will be announced, Monday, June 13. Winners have 1 week to contact us at with their snail mail address or a new winner will be selected.
If you win… YAY… if not, I highly recommend Bella Luna Toys' Jack Set, and at $6.50 a set, they are highly affordable!
Let me be the first to give Sarah a warm fuzzy hug! And in answer to the question… who do I play jacks with? My answer… anyone who is willing
NOTE: Sarah will ship overseas if winners cover the cost of shipping
BIG HUGG SARAH! If we win, I will be playing with my two boys and my mom. We both read your blog and when she read the post about jacks this morning she asked me if I ever had jacks. I said, no, you never gave me jacks. Time to fix that. Hope we win, if not we will still be getting jacks this summer. Thanks for the chance to win.
My four girls probably don’t even know what jacks are … Time they found out…game on !!!
If I win I will be playing with my children. Hugs Sarah. Thanks!
I loved playing jacks as a child. My grandchildren are over all the time. I would play jacks with them. Thank you for the chance to win.
Boy oh Boy!!! This was such a part of my childhood..we played jacks by the hour. I can’t think of one member of our family who wouldn’t love playing with the Jack’s now…adults, children, grandchildren. Thank you for this “sweet memory of summer” giveaway.
I have to be honest and say I’d love to win these so I could play … I’d of course work it into our homeschool day and teach all three kids (8, 11, 12) the fine art of jacks, though!
I loved jacks on the playground when I was a girl! Now I would love to win this set to teach my daugther how to play!
A big virtual hug from the Kleemann family! If we win, my daughter Deirdre and her little brother will be playing jacks together!
I would love to play with my daughter!
I would play with my mom and my daughter. My mom and I played when I was little but I haven’t introduced the game to my daughter yet. It would be fun to play again!
I would play jacks with my 5 year old son, he would definitely beat me tho hahaha ^_^
(((HUGS))) to Sarah too!
I hate to admit this but I never played jacks as a kid. If I won I’d play with my roommate. Yes, college kids like to have fun too :>
Thanks Wee Folk Art and hugs to Sara!
I am babysitting this summer for my neighbors. They have 3 little girls and I have to keep them entertained all day. I’m sure we would all have fun playing jacks. I’m looking forward to all of your ideas. I’m sure I’ll use them all. Huge HUGS to all of you!!!
If we blew a kiss along with the hug, would it better our chance of winning? What fun. I’m a mom of 8, need I say more?
Thanks for the chance to win.
I would love to play with my son.
{{Big Hug}} for Sarah & her generosity !!
I would definitely be playing & most likely with my oldest. I could see him finding it very challenging. He’d better watch out- I was good as a kid ;).
{{{Sarah}}} I *love* jacks! My kids will be playing with them…but not for a few more years yet! xo
I would play these with my 6 year old son. He was just saying the “playing jacks is hard”. I couldn’t prove him wrong since we don’t have a set here at home!
I remember playing when I was younger. If I won I would play jacks with my partner until we have a wee one of our own and then I would play jacks with him or her.
I can’t wait to play jacks with my 5 yr old and watch her teach her 3 yr old brother!
HUgsss. If I won this jacks, I will definitely play it with my lovely girl. I remembered I play this when i was young, it was so much fun!! good fond memory!
Eeeekkk….SO many fun memories playing jacks with my Mom. I was always so impressed she could pick them all up with one bounce of the ball! I would totally play with this set as I just bought three plastic sets for my 7, 5, and 3 year olds. Plastic is no fun but necessary for my feet!
HUGS to all this beautiful Thursday morning!
I would love to play jacks with my grandma. She taught me how to play, and I’m wondering if she still can. At 80 she is still so busy, gardening and crocheting. Bet she could still play a mean game of jacks. {{{hugs}}} Sarah and Michelle and Kimara
I would play with my neices.
My daughter. I remember playing them when I was little. I totally forgot about them. What a wonderful giveaway to make all of us grown ups play a game that is tons of fun!!!
sending lots of hugs!
I would love to teach my older children how to play
thanks for the competition
What a wonderful giveaway! I’d play with my 7 year old daughter.
Sebastian would love to play with these– thanks so much!!
I love Bella Luna toys – and I would love to have the jacks to play with myself – I also played as a child, but haven’t for ages!
I would be playing these with my girls and stepson this summer! Sometimes the ol basics are the best!
We are planning a week’s vacation at a cabin that has no electricty. We are all pretty psyched and looking forward to some masive unplugging. These would be perfect to take along. Thanks, Sarah. Love your shop.
How cool! My mother has always been the champion of jacks in the family. I could see her playing with my 3-year-old daughter quite contentedly.
Oh, I loved playing jacks as a child! I would definitely teach my two kids (8 and 6) how to play. Thanks, Sara, for the give away. I have a feeling more than the two winners will win on this one!
I have to say that I have never played jacks! Is that bad? I now have four children and I am always looking for games we can play together that don’t involve tv!
*Big Hugs* for Sara!! The jacks are too cute! I have two kiddos and would love to teach my almost 3 year old how to play. How exciting
Hugs, Hugs, Hugs to Sarah and her wonderful products. Our jacks set has lost jacks over the years. It’s a game for our whole family and spinning individual jacks is a great fine motor skill development for those little fingers getting ready to color, draw, and write.
Thanks for this chance to win
Hugs! These jacks would be great with my classroom of preschool children! What four year old wouldn’t love playing jacks on the playground!
Sarah, here’s my virtual hug. While my husband and I will have to be the ones playing with the jacks, I’d love to have these for our little girl (she’s still too little to play with them).
I would play with my 6 year old son.. and I’m sure my 3 year old would try to play too
Big hugs! Thanks!
Big hugs! Well, I have two daughters and only one set of jacks. So, my younger little would love a set of jacks.
a set of jacks in our home would get all three of my girls down on the ground bouncing and swiping. my 12yo would probably be the most thrilled however, she inherited the love of jacks from her nana for sure
for Sarah
Thanks for the giveaway!! My 6 yo and 11 yo boys will probably be the ones playing with jacks if we win them~ the 11 yo has fine motor “stuff” going on so it would be a great toy with a purpose for him
Thanks again!
Thanks for setting up this giveaway. My son recently saw a jacks game. He was just asking me today if we could get this game for camping. We would love to use one of these sets!
My favorite childhood games were jacks, hopscotch (my so cool dad painted us a board in our driveway) and lemon twist! If we win the jack set my sweet Ruby Kate 7yo and I would be wiling (whiling?) our summer days away. Thanks!
We would love to win a set of jacks. Collecting ideas for summer fun. Hugs Sara and I would be playing with my crew.
So glad I didn’t miss this. My kids got a set of plastic jacks in a birthday gift bag and they were awful. They were too big and the ball barely bounced. They were frustrated but intrigued. I plan to get a few sets for the summer. Hugs to Sarah for the chance to win, and of course, to you sweeties at Wee Folk Art!
Nothing says summer like Jacks! Sitting on the walkway at my grandmothers house on the hot dog-days…If I won this…I’d start that same tradition with my nine year old daughter, Brenna.
What fun! This is of kind of thing my grandparents use to bring me when they’d come to visit. Didn’t cost much, but I thought it was wonderful. It would be such a wonderful surprise for my daughter to get this in the mail. Thanks for a chance to win.
I loved jacks!!