Whenever we go out to eat, and the waitress takes our drink order, I ALWAYS ask for water with “obscene amounts” of lemon. I’ve noticed there is a direct correlation between the amount of lemon a waitress brings me and the size of a tip I leave her. I LOVE LEMON! And in my water, the more lemon the better. I realize not everyone would appreciate the tartness, but with a meal, or for quenching my thirst, nothing is finer!
This is not true when I garden, however. I think the hot weather and physical exertion makes me yearn for something sweeter. While gardening, I want lemonade with PLENTY of sugar. And since I need to continually replenish liquids on hot days, I usually take a quarter Mason jar full of lemonade out to the garden with me. Besides holding lots of lemonade, it also has a handy, dandy lid in case you knock it over or to prevent bugs from partaking of your beverage. Below is my recipe for yummy and refreshing lemonade. Definitely have the kids make their own!
Garden Lemonade
1 quart Mason jar with lid
1 lemon
0 – 2 tablespoons sugar (I use 2 T for garden lemonade)
1 quart cold water
ice cubes
Fill 1/3 of the jar with ice cubes.
Roll a lemon back and forth until soft. You can actually hear it swishing. Kids LOVE this part!
Cut the lemon in half.
If you have a juicer, use it. I don’t so I squeeze both lemon halves over a strainer into the jar to remove seeds.
Remove the rest of the seeds from the lemons, cut into eighths, and put in jar.
Add sugar to taste. I use 2 tablespoons for my garden lemonade.
Add cold water to the neck of the jar.
Screw on the lid and shake well to mix.
Now you are ready to take your lemonade in the garden. While there, why not add a sprig of fresh mint? Double yum!
I ask you… what could be better than a tall glass of lemonade in the garden? The answer… keeping it cold longer! Here is a sneak peek of a project I’ll be sharing in a couple days. Enjoy!
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That looks wonderful. I love lemon too. Thank you for sharing such wonderful treat. YUM!
I loved the lemonaide post-well I love your blog in general especially since I have been a gnome collector for over 30 years
Just last year I got a gnome tattoo!!!
I am sending you another great lemonaide recipe I got off BH and Gardens
2 cups water
1 cup lemon juice
3/4 cup sugar and a can of peaches blended together (syrup too)
Has the texture like the old orange julius only peach!!
Hope you enjoy
This sounds so good. I haven’t thought about an orange julius in years. I will definitely give this a try… soon. Thanks for the recipe.
this is my children’s favorite juice to make, they pick the limes/lemons from our citrus trees, juice them, we add raw honey.
I am envious that you can go and pick your own lemons! Yum. I love the idea of using raw honey. I’m a honey fan, too, but I never tried it in my lemonade. I will now. Thanks!
I love Lemonade but never thought to make my own from scratch. I usually buy the Minute Maid concentrate. We do like to mush up strawberries or peaches and add it to our lemonade. We will definitely give this I try. Guess I didn’t think about how easy it was. Thanks. Looking forward to hearing about your lemonade cooler thingie
a agree about the lemon but esp. the canning jars, after staring back at a huge slug once as I took a big swig, i switched to jars with lids!
So, my stomach did this undulating thing when I read this! Conjured up imagines of Ron Weasley throwing up slugs in Hagrid’s hut! Although I never encountered a slug, I have fished enough other insects and dirt out of my glass. A lid is a must in the garden!
What a great idea! I love the mason jar with lid.
I will make a batch of this, later today!
thank you!
gotta try your recipe and technique! looks very interesting!
Mmm, making my mouth water, sound lovely!
Mmmmm! I’m with you on this one. The tarter the better. Yum-o!