The gnomes enjoy decorating their houses seasonal just like the rest of us. Britta saw the Traditional Snowflakes we scattered throughout the house, and wanted some, too! So, I got right on it for her. She loves them! If you’d like to make some snowflakes for your gnome or doll house, you can make a garland of them in no time!
white paper
sharp, pointy scissors
embroidery floss or twine
transparent nylon thread
wide packing tape or glossy clear contact paper
1] Make circles the size you want your snowflakes. I traced around a quarter (approximately 25mm diameter) and cut them out.
2] Using steps 1 and 2 as described in Traditional Snowflakes, cut out snowflake designs.
3] Cover front and back of snowflakes with wide package tape or glossy clear contact paper. Cut off extra tape close to the snowflake.
4] If making roping from embroidery floss or pearl cotton, make a tight braid using three strands. Make the braid long enough to span the desired length. (Make sure to make it long enough to attach to gnome or doll house.)
5] Tape one end of the braid to a table. Place a ruler behind it. Attach the snowflakes by threading a needle with the transparent nylon thread. Tie a knot. You now have 2 threads. Pierce the snowflake with your needle and pull the thread through. Insert your needle between the 2 pieces of thread so the snowflake dangles at the end of the thread with the thread looped over the snowflake. (I demonstrated with floss so you can see what I’m doing. It’s hard to see the transparent nylon thread in photos Tie the snowflakes to the braid or twine every 1 1/2". Each snowflake is attached individually. Vary the length of the thread so the snowflakes appear to be falling randomly… not in a straight line.
6] Tie, tape or tack the finished garland of snowflakes to your gnome house or dollhouse. They hang nicer is the roping is taut.
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These gnome garlands are magical!
Really cute; I think I want a little gnome house to decorate!