As always, I want to thank everyone for entering the Hopscotch Game Giveaway, and give a truly heartfelt thank you to Debbie, at A Child's Dream, for supporting our efforts here at Wee Folk Art and for her generosity to our readers.
So, without further ado (don't you love the word ado?) the winner is…
Hopscotch!! Yeah!!!
Submitted by ginny on Fri, 06/17/2011 – 12:40.
When I was growing up there was never any "I'm bored" in my house. We went outside and played hopscotch, cowboys and indians, or created fairy houses under the trees.
Congrats. I hope the hopscotch set brings loads of fun to your family Please email us at weefolkart@yahoo.com with your snail mail address and we'll send it along to A Child's Dream. You have 1 week to contact us or a new winner will be selected.
Thanks again, everyone, for participating in this giveaway. The next In the Good Old Summertime giveaway will be at the beginning of July. Watch for it
I can’t believe I won! Thanks so much. My children are going to love this! Email just sent to you.