EDIT: The winner for this giveaway can be found HERE.
Now, it's our turn to give Debbie, over at A Child's Dream, a big hug! She will be donating toys over to summer to make our "In the Good Old Summertime" a summer to remember! This week she is giving away a wonderful Hopscotch Game with everything you need to get a great game of Hopscotch going. Michelle's wee ones have it and love it! The tossing thingy is easy to throw and pick up. Here is the product description:
Hopscotch is known to many as the sidewalk game of skill and precision. On every playground and most parks in the USA – the hopscotch grid is a common sight. Set includes two giant sidewalk chalks, 1 colorful Hoppy Taw{TM} marker, a color canvas pouch and, for the competitive players, a 20 page handbook with National Hopscotch rules & regulations, winning moves & tactics.
To enter, simply leave Debbie a virtual hug in our comments and tell us about your exposure to Hopscotch. (Were you an awesome Hopscotcher or have you never learned to play? No right answer here The contest runs from today through Friday, June 17, at 9:00 pm EST, when a lucky winner will randomly be selected. The winner will be announced, Saturday, June 18. The winner has 1 week to contact us at weefolkart@yahoo.com with their snail mail address or a new winner will be selected.
We wish everyone good luck, but if you don't win, we suggest you visit A Child's Dream and pick up a set for your family.
NOTE: Debbie will ship overseas if winners cover the cost of shipping
So many fun giveaways. Our hopscotch grid from my youth was quite different. Rather a stack of blocks but I’d love to learn how to play this style with my girls. Big {{{hugs}}} Debbie.
Lots more fun than a stick in the dirt that we used as children. Thanks for the chance to win.
We didn’t have sidewalks in our neighborhood, so hopscotch was pretty much a school yard game. Now we have plenty of room for giant chalk!
I was never really into Hopscotch as a child, but my 4 year old is obsessed! I draw squares for her on our patio and I’ve made them with painter’s tape in her room. She would love for me to win!
Hugs!Hugs!Hugs!!! Hopscotch was a daily game at my grade school at the after-lunch recess.
I’ve taught all my children to play. Thanks for this opportunity.
My kiddos are always making up new designs to hop. We would welcome more chalk and those nifty looking tossers
Hugs to Debbie.
My kiddos are always making up new designs to hop. We would welcome more chalk and those nifty looking tossers
Hugs to Debbie.
I played a lot of hopscotch as aid and plan on introducing the game to my own children this summer. Thanks for the giveaway!
I played with my sister but not religiously. We never quite played by the rules and neither of us wanted to start again if we didn’t make it all the way ;). My oldest is very competetive- so no rule breaking for me anymore!
{{ Super Hug }} for the kind giveaway !!
Back in the day (over 45 yrs) I was “THE” hopscotch champ. In my late 20’s I was still good enough to win over my step-children. Now, don’t know if I could ‘hop’ down the grid, but plan to intoduce to 3 grandsons later this summer. Thanks Debbie for the giveaway.
I never played hopscotch as a child. Don’t know why except none of my friends played, I guess. I do want to teach my child, tho. I would love to win. Hugs and thanks.
I can remember playing hopscotch with my friendson the playground when I was little. Now I love seeing my girls play it on the back porch! Simplicity is so fun! Hugs to you both for such a great giveaway!!
Well, as I have now learned, I played the “playground” version of hopscotch. Who knew there were different layouts? : )
Woo hoo! Looking forward to teaching my daughter all of these “folksy” games!
There are so many great toys over at a childs dream. I’ve been shopping there for a long time. Several people mentioned that they didn’t have playground equipment, neither did we. But we would get chalk to make hopscotch. We all had our special stones that we kept in our desk and took out with us. I had a really great flat stone that I painted red with nail polish. I have yet to teach my children how to play, but we will all be on the look out now for rocks [if we don;’t win]
When I was a kid we used to play all the time on the sidewalk in front of our house. We would find “chalk rocks” to draw with. Our biggest problem was remembering to make the squares big enough for our feet to fit in them. Our homeschool group did a hopscotch elective and the mom who taught it found variants from all over the world and gave a lot of historical background. I guess eevn Roman soldiers played hopscotch. It was an awesome class. Thank you Debbie and Kimara. What a cool idea!
I played hopscotch all the time as a kid — we used to draw the grid on the cement floor of the carport at my grandparents’ house and play all afternoon. What a great giveaway!
I remember playing hopscotch on our front walk as a kid. For the life of me I don’t remember the details, just the design drawn in chalk and the hopping. My 3 year old is just discovering hopscotch. Would be fun to relearn the “rules” and make this a summer tradition. What a great idea for a giveaway.
I remember playing it when I was younger. We always had fun making up new rules to play by. Now I play with my little girl!
I remember doing the jumping, but we never did anything else with it. I tried to teach my daughter hopscotch this morning. She had more fun drawing on the sidewalk with the chalk.
Looks like fun! I vaguely remember playing, would be fun to rediscover it!
Big hugs for Debbie! The hopskotch kit looks pretty neat. My sister and I always played hopskotch growing up! One of my favorite past times growing up. I would love to share those memories with my kids.
I loved hopscotch as a kid. This was a big favorite at my school at recess. My kids play a little now but this set would certainly encourage more of it!
Koala Hugs to Debbie. I grew up playing Hopscotch where summers were so hot that the little grass that grew was soon a patch of dirt. It was in this that we drew out our Hopscotch with a stick and used our favourite rock. My 4 children however grow up in a lush landscape of grass and pavement sidewalks so this kit would be perfect for them over the coming summer days. Oh the memories they will form and the viewing entertainment I will have.
My “aunt” taught me how to play hopscotch when I was 4 years old. My aunt is only 5 years older than me, but she insisted I called her aunt when I was young. I loved playing hopscotch, and still do.
I used to play hopscotch just about every day at recess. They had nice painted hopscotch squares for us to use … we just had to search for a rock from the parking lot.
Thanks for reminding me about hopscotch. I’m rather surprised by kids aren’t playing this on the playground at school but they didn’t know the game. We went out yesterday and played and they had a blast. It would be nice to win more supplies. Thanks for the chance to win.
Hugs for Debbie- this looks like a fun kit! I have very fond memories of hopscotch. I think hopscotch and four-square were the only two games that we played in third grade. I don’t know if we followed any “official” rules but the games got more complicated (and difficult) as the year progressed.
Hopscotch has made a return to our house this summer. My 3 year old daughter saw an illustration of some children playing hopscotch in a book and asked what it was. We drew some hopscotch squares on our patio with chalk and she and he cousins and brothers have been having a blast. It’s great for practicing motor skills, numbers, waiting one’s turn. Hopscotch…who would have thought!
Yes… the days of hopscotch. I had almost forgotten! I spent HOURS playing hopscotch in the neighborhood driveways… anyone who had sidewalk chalk had a hopscotch! I remember searching for the perfect stone… ahhh… the epitome of summer! Thanks to Debbie and A Child’s Dream Come True… I’ve bought many wonderful things from there. We loved the wool butterfly kits! We played with those in the snow one year… and I’ve made many more for birthday favors! (Just another plug for A Child’s Dream in case anyone needed encouragement to head on over there!)
I’m remembering playing hopscotch with my older sister. Lately, I’ve been realizing that many of the games I used to play as a child are totally unknown to my two sons. I think of their childhood as being pretty down-home, nature-oriented and simple yet somehow I’ve not passed along knowledge of some of these games. I will definitely be playing hopscotch with them whether or not i win this sweet looking set. Thanks to Debbie! (I’ll also be inviting my 40-something sister over to play!!)
I loved playing as a kid. My son is just old enough so I can play hop scotch with him now too!
I remember playing hopscotch at recess during elementary school, along with jump rope.I always wanted to play hopscotch as I was never brave enough to jump into the ropes being swung by other people. Oh how I miss the simplicity of those days! The fun part of being an adult though is sharing my childhood joys with my little girl.
I remember playing hopscotch at recess during elementary school, along with jump rope.I always wanted to play hopscotch as I was never brave enough to jump into the ropes being swung by other people. Oh how I miss the simplicity of those days! The fun part of being an adult though is sharing my childhood joys with my little girl.
Hugs to Debbie! And what a great giveaway! I just drew my 3.5 yo granddaughter a hopscotch {she calls it hopboxes lol} yesterday! She LOVED it. I don’t know that I drew it correctly and she doesn’t really jump on one foot well, but I think she’ll learn her numbers finally!
She says, “hop hop pick it up hop hop” after throwing her beanbag and starting her course.
Thanks again!
cokelush at gmail
When I was growing up there was never any “I’m bored” in my house. We went outside and played hopscotch, cowboys and indians, or created fairy houses under the trees.
Hugs to Debbie!
I learned hopscotch on the playground of Dunbar Union School. It was a hotly competitive sport, from finding the best rock, to the most graceful execution… I loved it! There were always long lines of girls waiting for one of the TWO courses, I guess we were in 4th grade before we realized we could draw one with chalk!
Thanks for the great giveaway!
I played when I was child and mow my daughte loves to play. I love watch her when se is playing hopscotch. Thanks for the great giveaway.
love this!!!
Grew up playing it. Now my son loves iT
Would love to hop, skip and jump away the summer with this
What fun, thanks for the giveaway!
I never did play hopscotch much – there really weren’t sidewalks near my home. Now though, we have sidewalks nearby and I’d love for my children to learn!
Oh what memories this brings—love hopscotch.