I just finished up our Slumbering Owl Lunch Sack and wanted to share it. This reuseable sack is both eco friendly and cute as a bugs ear! It is much too late (at least for me) to write up the directions tonight, but I will get them done some time tomorrow. I was totally going for the "brown bag" look, and although it is hard to see from just one pic, this really looks like a brown paper bag including a rectangular bottom and accordian pleated sides. (Much easier to see in all the "how to" pics.) The sack is fully lined and washable. Although I’ll mention this again in the directions…for this project you should use synthetic felt instead of wool felt. This is an item that you’ll want to be able to wash, frequently, and wool felt will bleed and shrink. Save your wool felt for another project. Make this sack using our slumbering owl applique or any applique of your choosing. More tomorrow.
That is so darn cute!! I love the owl.
You really did get the brown bag feel. Love the owl but I’m thinking it would look really cute made out of denim with your heart block applique. I have a jean skirt that needs repurposing now I have a plan. Waiting on the directions! Thanks!