Showing: 1 - 3 of 3 RESULTS

Fairy Ribbon Rings

There is a joy in running free and dancing til you wear out your shoes! Running and dancing with Fairy Ribbon Rings makes the experience more delightful. Here are the very easy, non sewing directions for making your own Fairy Ribbon Rings. This is a great craft to do with your children, from picking out …


Reversible Tabard

    So, after all the “girlie” knitting and sewing that has been going on around here, I got a chance to make a tabard and cloak for Bug. I must admit I’m thrilled with how it turned out. When Bug saw it, the only word out of his mouth was, “Whoa!” I took that …


Vintage Apron

Pixie has her second birthday coming up in September. She loves domestic play. Dolls are her life! She also loves tea parties, her kitchen set, playing in her doll house and Gammy’s gnome house. For her birthday, Tim and I bought her The Child’s Cleaning Set from Magic Cabin. So, naturally, I figured she needed …