Showing: 25 - 36 of 67 RESULTS

Making Music

It’s sheer magic when a child begins making music for the first time. Fairy just got a new violin yesterday. She will be starting lessons in the fall, but she was anxious to “meet” her new friend 🙂 She has been watching videos of orchestras playing and you can just see the reverence in her …

Memories & Musings

Fluffing the House

A Table in need of Fluffing! I am a functioning claustrophobic. Not only do I have trouble with tight places, I also have trouble with constrictive clothes, and God forbid if my ring gets stuck on my finger! But as I said, I am a FUNCTIONING claustrophobic, and I can usually avoid the situations that really …


Thank You From the Bottom From Our Hearts!

After the responses we received about Gluten Free Living, it just didn’t seem like enough to leave a "thank you" comment. Not only were we blown away by the wealth of information and ideas we received, but by the thoughtful, caring nature of our wonderful readers. We know you all took time to put together your comments and emails. Plus, the words …


Fleece Applique Blanket

We get tons of emails from our readers. Sometimes they have questions, sometimes their kind words make us blush, and sometimes they simply WOW us! This falls into the category of WOWing us! I got this email from Jane: I thought you might be interested in the blanket I made as a Christmas present for my eight …

Memories & Musings


History has a way of repeating itself. Having just returned from our trip to Wisconsin, (Miss you so much Little Lady!) and with our 20th Annual Pumpkin Carving Party fast approaching, I felt like I woke up this morning running. As I was trying to finish up a project I wanted to share on Wee Folk Art tomorrow, …

Memories & Musings

Kids in the Kitchen

I first shared this post on my original blog, One Generation to Another back on October 30, 2007. Sometimes after I’ve wiped down the “stickies” in the kitchen after the grandbabies have been helping me, I like to reread this post. I always smile. I hope it speaks to you, too. One of the greatest gifts my …


Lavender Sachets

I remember as a little girl going through my mom’s and grandma’s drawers. I can’t remember if I was given permission to do this or if it was a covert operation done on the sly. What I can remember was how fascinated I was with the contents of their drawers. There were bras and merry …


Robin Hood Sweater

I love it when I get to craft for Bug. It seems like there are so many different things you can make for girls… headbands and barrettes, skirts and bracelets. Coming up with ideas for boys that actually excites them is a bit more challenging. I mentioned before I bought the awesome book Fairy Tale …

Memories & Musings


Last week was Drew and Meghan’s baby shower. Whole families were invited to attend and this was the post script on the invitations, “Gentlemen: You are welcome to bring a Daddy Survival Gift.”  Not surprisingly, Drew received assorted libations, several books like 50 Dangerous Things You Should Let Your Children to Do and The Dangerous Book for Boys and even a …


{this moment :: osmosis}

{this moment} – A Friday ritual began by Amanda at Soule Mama. A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment you want to pause, savor and remember. Visit Soule Mama if you would like to share {your moment}.