Showing: 145 - 156 of 164 RESULTS

Vintage Apron Directions

Back when I was a child, the half apron was all the rage. Although not as efficient as a full cobbler style apron, it did offer some protection, and the women made lovely aprons to wear while entertaining. These were also useful while cleaning, because they had extra pockets for storing wayward items! I made this …


Puppy in Progress

I had been eyeing the book “Knitted Toys” by Zoe Mellor for some time. When the latest KnitPicks catalog came out they featured several toys made up from the book including the Floppy Dog done up in blue. It made me think of Blue’s Clues and my 23mo old loves her Pickaboo Blue Book. So …


Vintage Apron

Pixie has her second birthday coming up in September. She loves domestic play. Dolls are her life! She also loves tea parties, her kitchen set, playing in her doll house and Gammy’s gnome house. For her birthday, Tim and I bought her The Child’s Cleaning Set from Magic Cabin. So, naturally, I figured she needed …


Fall Living Crafts Magazine

  I’m very excited. Just got in my new copy of the fall Living Crafts magazine. Our friend, Tina, at Squirrel Acorns blog, introduced us to it last spring. The magazine premiered last winter, and yes, I did buy the back issue, and since that time I’ve devoured each issue. I have stopped dog earring …


Pixie’s Panache Jumper Complete

 Our house guest has gone so I was able to get back in the sewing room and make Pixie’s jumper. I made just a little change on the border location on the skirt, but I’m pleased with both of them! Unfortunately, this is doing nothing to squelch my anxiousness for Fall! It’s still a tad bit warm for the …


A Jumper with Panache!

So, I told myself I wasn’t going to start a new project until I finished a few ongoing ones. I didn’t listen. The new fabric I bought for the girls’ jumpers called to me. I got Fairy’s made up last night using Simplicity pattern 5936. Looking at it today I decided it needed a little …


Nubbie Doll Pattern

  We created the Nubbie Doll with babies and mommies in mind. Nubbies have everything a baby loves; satin blanket binding to rub between their fingers, nubbie hands that are perfect for chewing on, and soft cotton flannel body for snuggling and they are small enough to carry everywhere! For moms we made them machine …


Because I have nothing else to do

Today I was making a quick trip to my local craft store to buy crafting glue. I swear that is all I planned to buy. My pile of to do, already started, and near completion projects is stack precariously high in my sewing room. I’m well aware that one more project could topple the already …


Share the Love!

EDIT: Michelle just added a bunch of new buttons to our site and I wanted to make sure everyone saw them. Want a little Wee Folk Art on your blog? Just pick your favorite button (how to decide on one is a problem, right?) and follow her directions below, and you can take a wee …


Completed Treasure Pouches

I just finished Bug’s and Fairy’s treasure pouches. The kids love them. It was fun creating designs to match their personal tastes and they really were quick to throw together. I will now work on a tutorial and will hopefully get it posted soon!   These will definitely be useful on their next walkabout! Click here …


Plenty of Fabric

Okay, I got a little carried away. There were so many pretty batik patterns I got a few more than I needed. It’s okay. I ALWAYS can come up with ways to use them. I enjoyed making the treasure pouch so much I think I’ll make a few to put in our store.