Showing: 13 - 16 of 16 RESULTS

Awesome Christmas Surprise

There is just no way I can write this blog without making your jealous. Seriously. But I was so touched that I can't not share it either. (Don't you hate double negatives?) So here goes. A couple of days before Christmas, my postman left a slip in my mailbox saying I missed a delivery. Really? I was home all day and my dogs light up if someone gets near our …


A Break From My Break!

First off… HAPPY NEW YEAR to one and all. I hope everyone had a lovely Holiday, and wish everyone blessings for the coming year 🙂 As you know, we've been on "break" for the past 2 weeks. 2 weeks… where DID the time go? Anyway, as everyone gets back into their normal routines… Michelle and the wee ones will fall into their school days, and Tim has headed back to work …