Showing: 469 - 480 of 503 RESULTS

Hanging Fabric Ghosts Halloween Decorations

For fun Halloween decorations, make these Hanging Fabric Ghosts to haunt your home. We created these Hanging Fabric Ghosts to go along with this week’s Unplugged Challenge theme: white. I’m sure I’m not the only one who took the theme white and combined it with upcoming Halloween and thought… hmmm ghosts. We did a stiff …


Owl Pouch

I just finished up a Treasure Pouch for myself. The kids told me I needed my own so I stopped using theirs. I like to collect acorns too, you know. My mom had made all the kiddos their pouches so this was my first completed pouch. I used a pair of old jeans for the …


Cider Press

This week’s Unplugged Challenge theme was fruit. We have been doing so many things with apples over the past few weeks (you can scroll through my past blog postings to see more of our apple activities) it was hard to choose the one thing I wanted to label as our Unplugged activity. I decided to …


Apple Prints

We spent the morning at Gammy’s yesterday and took advantage of her seemingly endless supply of art materials (this time rummaging through her entire box of stamp pads). We made our apple prints to go along with our Harvest Time Week Four, Johnny Appleseed theme. This was a very easy craft! All we did was …


Dragon Scarf

Look at what I’m working on for my nephews for Christmas. Aren’t they cute? These are actually the ones my mom made last year for my kiddos. She got the original kit from Morehouse Farm and we have made several since. I don’t have a photo of mine atm (it isn’t far enough along to …

Family Life

Welcome to Two!

This past weekend we celebrated… but today is the big day. With the oh-so common Mommy Bittersweet feelings that always seem come with birthdays, I welcome my youngest munchkin to the age of two. My dear little Pixie girl, Happy Birthday!     

*Clean Up

Handprint Sand Candles

This week’s Unplugged Challenge theme was Sand. We made sand candles using the kids hand/foot prints. They were really easy and we used recycled materials… so it was a free craft too. First I collected up a bunch of random votive candles. I seem to have them in mass, but seldom actually use them. I …