A couple of weeks ago we introduced you to Sarah Baldwin, Waldorf educator and owner of Bella Luna Toys. She gave an incredible interview, which from this point forward I think I’ll fondly refer to as Waldorf 101 She most graciously offered to sponsor a Give Away, too. Of course we jumped at the chance. Bella Luna Toys, right? EVERYTHING is lovely over there! So, to enter, here are the totally fun rules!
Head over to Bella Luna Toys. Do yourself a favor and look at absolutely everything. Not to worry… you’ll have a blast. Put together a wish list. Then come back to Wee Folk Art, and list your 3 favorite things. If you would like, tell us why you made your selections. It is that simple.
The contest runs from today, Wednesday, February 24, to Sunday, February 28 at 9:00 p.m. EST. At that time 2, yep, 2 winners will be drawn at random and each will receive a $25.00 gift certificate towards the purchase of items on their wish list. How awesome is that?
Want to up your chances of winning? And who wouldn’t, right? Just link to us on Facebook, Twitter, your blog or where ever you can get the word out about this super cool Bella Luna Toys Give Away, and you’ll get an extra entry for each posting. Make sure you create a new comment for each additional entry, including linking information. Then sit back and keep your fingers crossed!
And, sweetening the pot just a little bit more, Sarah is offering all readers a 10% discount off any orders placed between now and Saturday, March 6! Just type in the promotion code WEEFOLK to receive your special discount!
We want to thank Sarah for her generosity, and encourage all of our readers to join in the fun and savings. Winners will be announced after the drawing and notified by email. Winners must contact us by Sunday, March 7, or a new winner will be drawn. Good luck to all and let the wishing commence!
I am the first to do this. I hope that is lucky! There are so many wonderful toys but if I had to pick 3 I would take the poseable baby doll, the rainbow stackers and the pushing car. My little one is just 6 months old. I think these things would be very useful and beautiful. Thank you for this chance to win. I will continue to wish. God bless!
YUMMY!!! i love this store and looking through was fun.. thanks for the invite
OK. My wish list
1. Log cabin play house
2. Rainbow flower felting kit
3. Wooden choo choo Train.
Well, I love everything of course, but I’d have to pick a 16″ doll for my daughters, maybe a doll carriage and then a needle felting or drop spindle kit for myself. I’ve been aching to learn to spin and can’t seem to get around to doing it with all the other crafts I keep starting.
Wonderful site. I bookmarked it to go back to around birthday time.
I love the REAL garden tools. The rake would be #1 on my list. I’ve bought toy rakes and they all break – this one look so much more sturdy.
I like the modeling wax too – I’ve wanted to try that with my girls.
The jacks are great too – just a nice old fashioned game.
Thanks for the chance to win.
I like really simple toys that spur imaginationlove and the silk princess dresses, the music wands and the wooden paddle boat all do that.
I am entering! Love Bella Luna. I’ve yet to buy something from the site, but it’s not because I don’t love it! LOL
There are some really cute and fun stuff over at Bella Luna!!
It was hard to pick my top 3 but here they are:
1. Waldorf dolls- adorable and old-fashioned looking
2. Wildcraft: herbal adventure game – sounds like fun
3. Horsie reigns – my girls would love these!
Oh that site is full of wonderful things!
My favorite by far was the building blocks, and I love the colors of the rainbow tunnel and love ALL THE Play Food! What fun!
Hope I Win!
I love everything at Bella Luna, but my three favorites are:
-German Shield and Sword Set
-Silk Dragon Costume
-Play Stands and arch
I LOVE anything medieval and I hope my triplet grandsons will also! My great nephew (who is three) has been raised with dragons, knights, etc. His parents are reenactors. I know all the boys would love anything!
wood iron
soft swords
Cooperative games especially the harvesting ones.
Thanks for doing this I did have a lot of fun looking at everything!
It was hard to choose, but my top 3 are….
Haba push car
Wooden Rainbow tunnel
branch dollhouse furniture
So many fab things! I like the:
Silk Dragon Costume by Sarah’s Silks
Play Silks From Sarah’s Silks
Large assortment (12 colors) modeling beeswax
Lyra Color Giants Pencils
and so much more!
Sarah’s silk streamers
Lyra Ferbys
Beeswax Polish
What wonderful things!
I’m expecting in May…and these were my favorites
Moon and Stars Mobile – I’m looking for a mobile for my son’s nursery, so this would be lovely
Silk Baby Blankets by Sarah’s Silk – every baby needs a blankie, and this rainbow blankie is HIGH up on the must have’s for my baby.
Modeling beeswax Large assortment (12 colors)- my almost 3 year old loves to work with modeling items.
so hard to choose just three!
I too, had a hard time choosing. I think I would pick one of the lovely silk costumes, perhaps the mermaid one, or the Wildcraft game or a flower fairy doll. Just so hard to choose…..
What a beautiful shop! [and a beautiful name ;)] this toys are difficult to find in Spain, I love the Reversibles Silk Capes, If I’m a lucky winner I choose it
Thanks a lot I cross all my fingers
Hugssss, abrazossss
modeling beeswax – i’ve never heard of using beeswax to model, it sounds really fun!
rainbow tunnels – my daughter would love playing with these, they are so colorful
pushing car by haba – so beautiful, my daughter is in the cruising stage and she’d love this
1. The playstands and arches. I have dreams having a place in my home where my son can create a house, a grocery store, a pet store, etc. Someday.
2. Haba Mushrooms. We are making my son a kitchen for his birthday and I would love to add these mushrooms.
3. Build a tree house. I love these tree houses and would love to sit out on the lawn playing with gnomes and fairies.
1. silk wings by sarahs silks
2. modeling beeswax – large assortment
3. Book “Crafts through the Year” by Thomas & Petra Berger
It sure is a lovely store. I will be back! Thanks, Tami
I like the:
Crayon Rocks: I think they make so much more sense the traditional crayons
Water color paints: I am so excited to start painting with my girls!
Silk play canopies
Wooden Rainbow tunnel
branch dollhouse furniture
Crayon Rocks
I love this site it’s great to have a resource to go for toys.
I love the needle felting kits, particularly the hedgehog and the sleepy sheep. I also really like the crayon rocks. What fun!
This is one of our favorite toy stores! It’s difficult to narrow it down to three, but I would say my top choices for my sweet girls would be 1.child’s natural wooden hairbrush 2.Wildcraft Herbal Adventure Game 3.Beeswax Block Crayons
Thanks for the opportunity!
I linked to this wonderful giveaway here http://oursuburbanhomestead.blogspot.com/2010/02/bella-luna-toys-giveaway.html
And finally, I linked to this awesome giveaway from my facebook account, although I’m not sure how to show that link through here. Can you find it through the wee folk art fan pages or do I need to do something else?
okay, i really want elsa beskow’s *the sun egg*. love the horsie reins by sarah’s silks. i have wanted the *wildcraft* game for a long while! thanks for the great giveaway!
I agree with others–difficult to choose 3 faves
1. Waldorf Cuddle Doll
2. Hardwood Stacking Set
3. Bellino by Haba
We have a new baby and want him to have natural toys.
Thanks for the contest opportunity.
did it! thanks so much for leaving a comment on my blog about the interview!
Earlier this Winter, I applied for a grant for my non-profit Toddler classroom. I was hoping to enhance my classroom for these diverse 18 month- 3 year olds with an anti-bias curriculum and natural toys. I anticipated spending the grant money at Bella Luna for
* 2 each of the Waldorf cuddle dolls (so glad to see a toddler-friendly natural doll with dark skin!)
* Wooden cradle
* Cotton building cloths
Alas, I didn’t get the grant. But I continue to sew some fun toys to balance our icky plastic ones! I’m working on saving my pennies so that I can create the best learning environment I can on a shopping spree at Bella Luna!
There are so many wonderful things at Bella Luna! My favorite three things are 1.Hardwood stacking set(no small pieces for littles to choke on) 2.Posable baby doll(love her little hat) 3.The wooden sailboats! They look like so much fun.
1. Small treehouse
2. Branch family
3. Branch family furniture!
I want it all!
#1 Playstands!! I have been wanting and wishing for these for years, but 4 kids later and they are still on my wish list!
2-the wooden cash register. it’s pretty awesome, and we are in “shop” mode here
3-child’s kitchen, because that is where the action is!
I just shared this on FB!
tweet, tweet, I did!
We would like the:
Haba workbench
Child’s kitchen
Clark Gadson
We love the sword and shield set, the gnome making kit and the haba building blocks. We have three boys, so I picked one for each! We love bella luna!
blog, twit, facebook and follow!
1. hardwood stacking set
2. music wand
3. cherry rattle
This is very nice of Sarah. I would love to have (and hope to one day purchase) 1. all 8 gardening tools, 2. felted rainbow acorns, and 3. modeling beeswax. I’ve ordered with Sarah before and she was really lovely to shop from. I would recommend her store to anyone looking for natural toys with good customer service.
What a wonderful and generous giveaway! Bella Luna Toys has a beautiful website filled with such sweet merchandise. I love the little flower fairy dolls, and have been thinking about the Wildcraft game for a long time…
Thanks for the lovely giveaway!!
p.s. I have also shared on my Facebook
Oh how we love Bella Luna!
Our picks would be the
a) Yoga Garden Game
b) Felted acorns – rainbow
c) Flower Fairy in yellow
Blogged here: http://millersroadtojoy.blogspot.com/2010/02/bella-luna-give-away-wee-folk-art.html
My daughter loves, loves, loves to paint so I wouls simply wish for:
1.water color paint
2.painting board
3. silk cape to wear when painting of course!
thank you for being so generous you will make a family very thirilled to receive their wishes.
I did post on my Facebook, but have no idea how to prove that here, lol! However, I also became a fan of Wee Folk Art, so maybe that will do it? Thanks again for the lovely giveaway and the inspirational blog!
Although I would be happy with anything sent our way from Bella Luna, if I had to pick:
play silks
modeling beeswax
Yoga Garden Game
Thanks Wee Folk Art and Bella Luna for this chance to win.
Spreading the word!
Although my daughter is now eleven and still plays with many of her Waldorf toys, I see us moving more towards the crafting times! The new Elsa book looks so lovely and sweet I know she will enjoy it as much as I will
Painting with Children
Crafts through the years
The Curious Fish
I’d like;
sarah’s silks princess dress
silk streamers
watercolor paints
LOVE bellaluna!
So many beautiful items! If I were to list my top 3 based on what we have, love and use daily it would be:
Lyra Color Giants
tree blocks
doll sling
If it were based on what I want now that I’ve looked through the catalog it would be:
Build a Tree House and Furniture
Knight’s Tent and Cushion
fish pond by Sarah’s Silks
If I were to base the list off what I feel I ‘need’ right now:
Another set of Lyra Color Giants
Play clips
needle felting kits
Love all of the items on your website! Here are some of my favorites:
1. playstands
2. rainbow tunnel
3. harvest time game
I love the 16 inch dolls,the small tree house and the rainbow tunnel.I work in a non-profit childcare for children 1-6 year olds and know that the children would love all of these!Love love love all the quality play materials you sell!
In a total fantasy world I would love a playstand set! We are saving our pennies for one of those. The Harvest game…my three year old would love that…and painting supplies…to keep the creativity flowing! What a fun give away thank so much!
I just linked up on facebook
This is the kind of stuff I drool over!! It’s hard to pick three. I’ve wanted a play stand for like forever, but honestly don’t know where it would fit in our house anyway.
So for right now, I think my top three are:
*The pink waldorf fairy doll – I love Waldorf dolls and this one reminds me of my Savannah Rose.
*A set of tree blocks – I have a friend who kept these in her livingroom for her little ones to play with (and my little ones when we came over) even big kids and adults love them.
and *The hardwood stacking set – for our baby Wilmer who is due in June.
Oh what fun to peruse the Bella Luna site! I have 2 sons & found so much I would like for them. The top 3 include:
1) Rainbow Tunnel: My 17 month old loves to stack blocks, beanbags, etc and to put objects into containers and the rainbow tunnel, which is simply lovely, would provide us with hours of imaginative play together.
2) 16-inch Waldorf Dress-Up Doll: Both boys (17 months & 4 years) have fun playing with their baby doll (changing the cloth diaper, swinging, pushing in the doll sized pram, etc.) But she is plastic and not very hugable. I would love to have a boy Waldorf doll for both boys. I’m sure the 4 of them would have great fun!
3) Silk Skytail: We love to play outside and have a great time with our play silk. With skytail I can see see my boys throwing it off the deck and laughing as it sails through the sky!
How Wonderful!
I love everything and would be sooo happy with whatever! However if I have to choose:
Flower fairy doll
play silks
book “Pelle’s New Suit”
I have a nature based waldorf inspired daycare ages 6 months to 4 and our few toys are very much loved and I need of updating…badly!!
Thanks and fingers crossed
Beautiful toys. Like many others, hard to choose, but think I would go with:
1) Walker Wagon by Haba
2) Silk Streamers
3) Rainbow flowers felting kit
We’re having a new baby. so a walker will come in handy and I’ve always wanted, but have never gotten silk streamers and a felting kit.
I learned about Bella Luna after Sarah took it over as a business, and I’m seriously impressed. I’m drawn to the Waldorf traditions of toys and art for small children, and have been meaning to shop at Bella Luna. I probably won’t win, but I will be shopping there at some point, and repeatedly, no doubt. What I love most are:
1. the play stand and arches
2. blocky beeswax crayons
3. the painting board
There is so much more that I could list, but I’ll respect the List 3 directions.
Also, very glad to find Wee Folk Art’s web site. I’ve got it bookmarked now!
So many great things! My favorites were:
Silk Dragon Costume by Sarah’s Silks
Lyra Color Giants Pencils
Wooden Rainbow tunnel
Play Stands and arch
I could go on and on.
I’m all about art supplies and imaginative house play!
1 – Stockmar paints
2 – Stockmar modeling beeswax
3 – Dustpan & brush set
1. Wool Felt Beads from Nepal
2. Rainbow Flower Felting Kit
3. Forest Gnome Family Kit
Thanks for running this contest!
So far I have Twittered, Facebooked, Blogged (once, though I have other blogs it may also find it’s way too!) and emailed a few folks about this! I love WeeFolks, and I love BellaLuna…and I have loved Sarah Baldwin for a very long time!
Dawnella, Maine
we love all the play food by haba!!
why?? we have 4 children (9, 6, 3 & 10 months) and a play kitchen that gets used daily by each of them.
and thought we have been living a waldorf lifestyle for nearly 5 years, there are still a few lovelies that we haven’t quite gotten around to adopting…
1) the tea bags are an all-time favorite of ours
2) the wooden swiss cheese
and because i can dream (and drool:)
3)the haba doll pram, natural of course…
we love it all & have shopped bella luna for years, we love her & her shop.
thank you both for ths generous giveaway…warmly, jessi
They have such lovely things…
1 the books are great, seasonal, songs, waldorf education
2 would love a kithen for my children!
3 play silks are such a wonderful thing!
what a great way to get people involved,
warm regards,
I ordered a few items for my daughter from Bella Luna this Christmas and not only did my daughter love them, but Sarah provided such great customer service I was blown away. When I purchase something I count the entire experience, not just price (although I found Bella Luna’s prices to be competitive). I had spoken to so many non-helpful customer service representatives wiith other companies and speaking with Sarah was such a breathe of fresh air. She did her best to obtain the color that I wanted for a fairy doll for my daughter and somehow got it to my home in time for Xmas. So if I could create our next wish list of items it would be as follows:
1. Wooden Baby and Child Spoons
2. Felted Acorns u2013 Rainbow Colors
3.Painting with Children
by Brunhild Mu00FCller
And the list would go on and on…
Thank you for offering this contest.
Rhonda VanWingerden
My dd would adore:
1. Flower Fairy Dolls in pink or yellow
2. Forest Gnome Family Kit
3. Hedgehog Needle-Felting Kit
As a bonus, the book Crafts Through the Year looks great!
Thought I’d take a quick look and pick out a couple of things. Half an hour later, here I am. What a great selection of natural toys and art supplies! Our son is a big fan of play silks and wooden toys and he’s also into the arts so it was really hard to choose. With that said, here is our wish list…
1. Water Color Painting Paper – we don’t have access to high quality paper like this.
2. The wooden paddle boat for bath time fun (Can’t believe it is only $5.95. Is that right?)
3. Mama K’s Clay. I had no idea that there was a natural substitute for Play Dough much less a better version with aroma therapy built in!
Bella Luna will be my first stop from now on.
wow, there are so many things, i have shopped at bella luna before and after sarah took over and i really have enjoyed talking with her over the phone and in e-mails. she cares about every costumer. i really believe this!
my vote is for: first, the dustpan and long brush, so my little 2yr old can have a job at his own level. second, the mama k’s play clay (beautiful colors and essential oil scents). third, the wooden choo-choo (my son got this for christmas, he loves it, very beautiful and well made).
if i could have a 4th it would have to be the felted acorns…love it…thank you for the opportunity.
We’d love to have the gnome house or doll house kits.
I’d love some more craft kits and supplies, such as the rainbow ball knitting kit, blue bird needle-felting kit, and beeswax block crayons (because my toddler gave our last set to the dog, who then chewed them to bits).
That is so unfair to tempt us by making us look at that site, what gorgeous toys !
Well I love the Flower Fairy Doll, the wooden Bi-Plane and the Bluebird Needle felt kit as I have a thing about birds at the moment.
Please enter me into your fab competition
There were so many great toys and products.
My top three would be:
1. Rainbow tunnel
2. Wooden Choo Choo train
3. Klean Kanteen
Thanks for hosting this contest!
Our wish list is:
1)Poseable Baby doll for my daughter. My daughter loves baby dolls and this one is the perfect size to take places.
2)The sea-turtle felting kit. To make my boys some turtles friends.
3)Modeling Beeswax for homeschool fun.
Gryffin says to the gnomes: ” I would like two silk swords, a wooden paddle boat, and I would also like a knight’s costume and some blocks.” Okay that’s more than three, but he got what he wanted for Yule. “Thank you gnomes, signed Gryffin Michel Plumley”
I love the “waldorf 101” article. My daughter’s waldorf teacher forwarded it to all of the parents and I have forwarded to all of my friends and family to help them understand the educational decisions that my husband and I have made for our children. I of course love Bella Luna. My wish list consists of 1.) The beautiful FLower Festival Dishes 2.) The rainbow nesting bowls or rainbow tunnel 3.)Some New beeswax crayons 4.)New sarah Silks (ours have been well loved and need to retire to something else).
1.Silk Playcloths
by Sarah’s Silks- I have wanted these for a long time and my girls love them at a friends house.
2.Any of the knitted or wooden food- super fun!
3. Wildcraft! An Herbal Adventure Game- this is for me!
Not sure how to put the linking info… but I put it on facebook!
oh my just 3 things… there are sooo many wonderful things to choose from… but without further adieu;
Crafts Through the Year –
we have had our eye on this book for a while. I am completely a sucker for craft books, but really a sucker for books that help guide a family in crafts they can do together throughout the year
Build a Tree House — need I say more. All kids (uuhhhmmmm, and adults) need a tree house for gnomes, fairies, trolls and other woodland creatures to play with and decorate throughout the seasons and holidays : )
Wildcraft! An Herbal Adventure Game
I just love this game. We do not have it, but a family friend does. That is the first thing we want to play at their house on cold and rainy days!
Just love to “screen shop” in Bella Luna. What a wonderful giveaway!
Our family would love to receive he
(1) the Forest Gnome Family Kit,
(2) the Hedgehog Needle-Felting Kit, and
(3) the Bluebird Needle-Felting Kit.
Thank you for the opportunity!
My favorites are:
Hardwood Stacking Set
Rainbow Tunnel
And The Wooden Plate, Cup, And Saucer Set.
What a wonderful giveaway!
1. I really love the branch doll house furniture — a must have for my grandchildren’s tree house.
2. The wooden sailboat is divine.
3. And the Haba workbench — ooh la la, how great for the little person carpentry projects!
I showed my children all the lovely Bella Luna toys and crafts. Their favorites were:1. The forest family of gnomes 2. The giant Ferby pencils and 3. The beautiful Valentine acorns! I will link the giveaway on my blogspot. Thank you for the chance to win, Rose
Our family is so lucky to have had Miss Sarah as our Kindergarten teacher. Bella Luna Toys is a wonderful shop, The waldorf dolls are beautiful, the art supplies are top quality and Haba wooden food is so fun to play with. Thanks,Wee folk art, for giving me the opportunity to enter your give away and, thank YOU Sarah!
So many lovely toys!
I love the play canopies, the silk fairy skirts and rainbow tunnel wood toys.
What a wonderful store! I have a 9mo baby boy so I am drawn to the simpler things they have to offer. My top three would have to be the tree blocks, the nesting bowls, and the hardwood stacker (oh, how this baby loves to stack things!). Thank you thank you for the chance to win!
So many possibilities!
My top three:
1) The Yoga Garden Game
2) A Felting Kit or Felted Acorns
3) Play Clips (for loads of fort-making fun).
Thanks for the opportunity!
1. Crayon Rocks
2. play clay
3. princess board game
My kids love to do arts and crafts and games are always a hit!
I love Bella Luna Toys!!
1. Doll cradle
2. Princess hat
3. Silk dressups
Wish list:
1) Set of two playstands with canopies
2) Mermaid costume by Sarah’s Silks
3) Flower fairy dolls
Our picks:
(1) Mama K’s Play Clay
(2) Lyra Keramiplast Modeling Material
(3) Modeling Beeswax.
Thanks for featuring Bella Luna!
So simple to choose. My grandchildren would spend hour after hour after hour with
the wooden sailboat
the wooden choo choo train
build a tree house and furniture.
love so much there- the Flower Fairy Mobile, the lacing cheese, and of course always love a company that carries marbles! Fingers crossed!