Spring has sprung! The trees are flowering, and the baby birds are bouncing around the yard looking for yummies! Just imagine the fun you can have with this little “FunScape” applique. Designed to fit a 6″ x 6″ block, it can be reduced or enlarged to meet your needs. Michelle REALLY enlarged this block and painted a mural in Pixie and Fairy’s room. The pattern for the Bitty Birdie Applique Block can be found HERE. Enjoy
DIRECTIONS – Refer to pattern and photo for applique placements and cutting instructions.
Use 6 strand embroidery floss.
Make a copy of the pattern.
Cut out felt using pattern as a guide. Note: On the pattern there is only an extra pattern piece for the beak since part of the beak is obscured by the body. The rest of the pieces can be cut from the Funscape.
Using a blanket stitch on the top and a running stitch along the 2 sides and bottom, sew grass to block using 3 strands.
Using a blanket stitch, sew cloud to block using 3 strands.
Using a running stitch, sew trunk to block using 2 strands.
Position bird on block. Using a running stitch, sew beak to block using 2 strands. The beak should be behind the bird.
Using a blanket stitch, sew bird to block using 3 strands.
Using a stem stitch, embroider tree branches using 6 strands.
For each bud, position an outer circle at the end of each branch, overlapping the branch by 1/2″. Place an inner circle on top of the outer circle. Using a straight stitch, sew the buds to the block using 6 strands. The stitching should just overlap the inner circle. Make 5 straight stitches. These stitches do not need to be evenly spaced. They should be slightly askew. Refer to photo.
Add the 2 flowers to the block in the manner described above using 6 strands.
Using a stem stitch, embroider flower stems and leaves using 6 strands.
Using a stem stitch, add wing to bird using 6 strands white and add legs using 6 strands.
French knot eye using 6 strands.
Copyright © Wee Folk Art 2008 – 2012. All rights reserved.
All photos, text and patterns are copyright protected. You may not copy, reproduce or redistribute any material found on WeeFolkArt.com without written permission. Wee Folk Art retains all rights. Read our FAQs found HERE for specifics or contact us at weefolkart@yahoo.com if you have any questions.
Patterns may be used for personal use only. If you are interested in obtaining a Cottage Industry License so you can sell items made from our patterns, information can be found HERE.
Thank you a thousand times. I can’t believe what perfect timing this is. I need to make a baby quilt for my SIL’s baby shower that’s in 2 weeks. I’m doing a simple 9 patch design, but I wanted something in a center panel. Tell me, won’t this be perfect??? Instead of felt I’m going to make it out of woven fabrics. Not sure if I’ll add a quarter inch, turn it under and hand stitch the appliques on or if I’ll bond the pieces to fabric and machine sew on. Either way, I am so thrilled I can’t stand it! Love you guys!
I'm glad this was so timely
I think it will be adorable whichever way you go. Probably depends on how much time you want to spend on the applique. We'd love to see a photo when you are done 
Hi Kimera,
How in the world do you find the time? Opening your shop this week and still have the time and energy to post such a wonderful quilt block.
Hope you approve that I’ve included it in this week’s Craft Tutorial Thursday post.
Dumbledore gave me a time-turning necklace
Actually, I had this applique block done a couple of years ago. I was going to use it for a different project. Since the chances of that are slim, I decided to share it now instead. Since my DIL Meghan will be having a wee boy in September, I'm thinking of different ways I might use this design. (BTW… I am not sitting back on my laurels, though. Working on a new kit for the shop that I THINK I'll be able to share this week or next).
And, as always, thanks for the link
It tickles us each and every time someone enjoys our work enough to share with friends. <hugs>
[…] Bitty Birdie Applique can be found HERE. […]