Latest Update: 09/21/2015
Note: Policies can change. Please check back for changes
As I sit here, faced with the task of updating our Frequently Asked Questions, I understand why legislators are so reluctant to update their state’s constitutions… it’s NOT FUN! But given the fact that we have evolved, grown and changed so much over the years, it is task that cannot be swept under the rug. So here I sit, with no more enthusiasm than when I originally worked on our FAQs, but determined to get it done as quickly and as painlessly as possible!
Although I would like to think this is the last time I have to address this issue, I know it won’t be. If any info in the FAQ changes or if we add additional content, we’ll highlight those in our blog. Please take the time to read through our FAQs. I would hate to think I invested the time… yet again… doing this for naught! So… go grab a cup of your favorite beverage and meander through with us. If you think of a question we left out or if our answers are unclear, please, please, please speak up! Contact info can be found at the end of this article. So here goes!
Who are you guys? Fair question Wee Folk Art is a mother/daughter team with a mutual love of crafting and the gentle art of homemaking. With the “wee folks” in mind, most of our crafting is focused on children. We do, however, throw in crafts for the home, self or yummy recipes just to keep it interesting. I am Kimara, the “sage” mother, and have a degree in elementary education and home economics, which I received just this side of the dark ages! Michelle, the “innovative” daughter, earned her degree in fine arts from a rival university in the much less distant past, majoring in graphic arts and photography. We are both stay-at-home moms, guess I’m now a stay-at-home Gammy, that spend our days homeschooling and crafting. We both share a belief that less is often better, as long as the less has quality. We love working with natural materials, and are ever mindful of respecting our environment. We hope that is reflected in our crafts.
All of the patterns on your site say Copyright. What does that mean? All of our patterns and directions are original. Although the “concepts” cannot be copyrighted… hey, who would own the copyright on a doll or a coaster, BUT, the patterns, directions, PDFs, and photos ARE copyrighted. In a nutshell, nothing from our website can be copied without our permission.
We do give permission for people to copy patterns and directions for their own use. We do give permission for people to use one or two of our photos online if there is a direct link back to us. Our directions and PDFs should NEVER be downloaded directly to your site. You do have permission to download one or two photos from an article to share on Facebook, Pinterest or your blog as long as you give a link directly back to Wee Folk Art and the photos are not cropped to remove our logo. If you wish to use our materials in another manner, please email us for permission at .
Can I sell items made from projects on your website? Yes, with these conditions:
*You contact us to receive permission. We reserve the right to refuse requests.
*You must give credit to Wee Folk Art for the design: “Designed by”.
*The projects are made by you and sold by you. In other words, you cannot use a third party to make the designs that you turn around and sell. We are giving permission for small, cottage industry business and charitable groups to use our patterns on a small scale.
*You may never sell or distribute photos, pdf’s or instruction for any reason.
*If selling the items online, you must include the link to your shop.
*We reserve the right to reverse our decision at any time and for any reason. You will be contacted via your site if that should occur and you will be required to immediately discontinue the sale of items made using our patterns.
We are doing a fund raiser. Any chance I can make some of your projects to sell for a non-profit organization? First off, we’d like to commend you for your charitable efforts. We are delighted to play even a small part, such as sharing our patterns, with charitable efforts. Please make sure to follow all the guidelines listed above in the “copyright” and “selling items made from our patterns” section. As stated above, we reserve the right to refuse requests.
I know your online pattern pieces are on PDFs, but it would sure make my life easier if you turned all your directions into PDFs. Any plans to do that? I realize that it is not always convenient to have your computer right next to you while crafting. That is why we give permission for people to copy patterns for their own use. We only put “patterns” on PDFs… things that need to be cut out or that have detailed stitching. Our best suggestion is to use the “Print Friendly Version” found on each blog post. If you click that, you will get rid of all the “stuff” on either side that you don’t need for crafting, and it will print a version that will be easy to use. NOTE: There are a few things included in the “Print Friendly Version” that you may wish to delete before printing. Also, if you don’t need the photos, which take lots of room and ink, you may copy the text, take it into Word, and delete the photos. (That’s what I do!) And not to worry, we do not take our patterns down. It will be here the next time you need it! These printed copies from our website must NEVER be duplicated or distributed to others without first receiving written permission from us.
Can we link to your website? Absolutely! As a matter of fact we LOVE being linked to. It is the “bestest” way to make new friends. You can either link to us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Flickr or a blog. If you have a blog, feel free to incorporate one of our totally sweet BUTTONS on your site. And, thank you for wanting to share our site with your friends! And, now for some total hypocrisy…
Will you Link Share? You may have noticed we do not maintain a blog roll, and seldom link to another site. That is not the nature of our blog. There are so many wonderful blogs out there that we deal with every day, we would feel awful if we didn’t include all our friends and their fabulous blogs. So, instead of hurting anyone’s feelings, we chose instead not to link to other sites.
Having just said that… there are two ways that you can be linked to on our blog. First, when you leave a comment, feel free to link to relevant information or photos from a personal blog, Flickr account, Ravelry, or other social networks, BUT, it is not meant to be used solely for the purposes of advertising. Comments made with the express purpose of personal gain will be removed.
Wee Folk Art does have a Facebook account. There, I link to our readers’ websites all the time. So, although we don’t usually link to other sites on Wee Folk Art, I just might link to your website on Facebook! BTW… if you have a project that you think we’d enjoy seeing, just send us an email or post it on WFA’s Facebook Wall, and we will definitely drop by a take a look
I think your website is great and I just gave you an award. Will you pass it on? We receive many awards from our readers and are touched each and every time we do. We always take time to acknowledge them and say “thank you” but trust me when I tell you, I’m a weak link! I’m always the killjoy who breaks chain letters and emails. So, please, please, please, do not take it personally if we don’t play along, pass along awards or post our accolades on the site. We’ve decide not to post any awards instead of accidentally missing some. I am just such a slacker when it comes to those things… but an appreciative slacker!
How do you handle criticism? If I find a mistake do you want to know about it? The answer is, yes, of course, especially in our tutorials. Please remember, we are turning out patterns at an alarming rate… and without a net! (AKA editors!) So, if you notice a typo, just grin and know we actually are decent spellers, and that spelling mistakes just slip past us sometimes. We can live with a few typos. But, if we’ve left out a step in the directions, mislabeled a stitch, or have done anything else that impacts the quality of a project, please let us know immediately. I suppose, in that respect, our readers are our editors! It is best to post a comment under the offending post. We check comments more frequently than emails.
And on that same note… our “DISCLAIMER”!
We make every effort to share patterns and directions as accurately as possible. But we are human, although I often long for superhuman powers, and as humans, mistakes will be made. Before beginning any of our patterns, think of yourself as a Beta Tester. We do not have a staff, editors or even volunteers that are crafting our projects before we share them. YOU are the first to have a go at them. As such, other than a heartfelt apology, we accept no responsibility for mistakes made, or in an extreme circumstance, for time or supplies wasted. Please tackle our projects in the same manner that we are sharing them, with a spirit of goodwill and global friendship!
Who designed your blog and where is it hosted? Who takes care of your personal computer issues? Or… Nitty Gritty blog talk! For those of you who don’t “know” me, I meet my darling Tim on years ago. In my profile, when asked what I was looking for in a man, I said… “MUST be able to repair my computer!” True story! Since that day, the man has been dinking around in my computer. I have him changing things and writing new programs as often as I have him move perennials! I say… “I want…” he says… “Not a problem.” How lucky am I? He tells me, and I have to take his word at this, that we are hosted on Host Gator, and our platform is WordPress.
As for the absolutely adorable web design… that is all Michelle! She has a degree in graphic arts and definitely has an eye for detail. She frets over things I can’t discern, but since the final product is flawless, I can only assume the Devil’s in the detail! Can’t argue with success, right?
Can we advertise on your site? Yes! There are two ways you can advertise on Wee Folk Art. You can become a sponsor. Visit our Wee Folk Art Sponsorship Page for more information or you can join our Support Handmade Group. Visit our Wee Folk Art’s Support Handmade Page for more information.
Do you use affiliates? Yes, we are currently an Amazon affiliate. This means that if you click on an Amazon link on our page, Amazon uses a cookie to track your purchases and we receive a stipend for the referral.
Why do I see ads?
I’m sure everyone has noticed that Wee Folk Art now has ads. In a perfect world, we wouldn’t have to do that, but our pesky server thinks we should actually pay them for our increasing use of “bandwidth”… whatever in the heck that means! So, in order to continue growing Wee Folk Art and sharing our crafty goodness with our global readers, we are accepting ads to off-set costs, and to add just a wee bit of income to our families. Basically, we have chosen to display ads rather than having our readers pay for content.
What kind of ads will be displayed?
Right now we have three kinds of ads: Sponsorship Buttons, Google Adsense Banners, and Amazon Links.
We will only accept sponsorships from businesses that have products that we feel might be of interest to our readers and that we value personally. You will find these ads in our side bar and occasionally promoted in a blog entry. We are also building a Support Handmade page in which small scale shop owners can post a banner image for a wee stipend. We are hopeful that this will give our readers an opportunity to discover new shops and companies that have products and services that they may have been unaware of. This will be a win-win situation for everyone! We highly encourage our readers to visit our sponsors’ sites. We believe that our readers will find our sponsors shops useful and lovely to visit.
You will also see some Google Adsense boxes and banners. These may include images or text and will appear above blog posts, below the main content, and may include a box in our side bar. The ads are generated by Google based on key words on our site and user’s browser history. We do not pick the ads. We do receive a small payment if you click through the links.
Finally, we are an Amazon affiliate and also work with other companies via Commission Junction. This means whenever we link to an Amazon product, if you follow the link and make a purchase, we receive a small percentage of the sale at no additional cost to you. Some other banners and ads on our site are also affiliate links.
What are your Terms of Use? Lastly, if you are interested, you can read our Terms of Use HERE. Basically, it tells you that we try our very best to share our love and talents with you, but in today’s world we also need to legally protect ourselves. Such is life today but enough said on that!
Contact Information:
Email Kimara at for creative concerns and Michelle at for all business related matters.
Wee Folk Art Flickr Group
Wee Folk Art on Face Book
Wee Folk Art on Ravelry Group
Wee Folk Art on Pinterst
You made it through. Good for you and thanks for taking the time. Whew!
I just can’t seem to get enough of your beautiful, informative website! I check it at least 6 times a day to see if you have posted any thing new! I started out making the gnomes and have probably made everything that I knew how to make. I am jealous of the knitting projects, but none the less, drool over the colors of yarns and the expertise it takes to make a project. I am anxiously awaiting the grand opening of your store! I will be a frequent customer! Thank you for having one of the best crafting websites that I have ever seen!
This is a perfect website, thanks for sharing these lovely designs! Good luck with the shopx
Thanks for your kind words. Getting the shop open is taking more time than we planned because of other projects, but we are getting excited
I have just stumbled across your website and have to say how fantastic it is! The content is very inspirational and, as someone who loves any type of craft, I will be looking forward to visiting again to pick up more ideas and tips for future projects. Many thanks, Karen
I think your FAQ is wonderfully written.
I adore the knowledge and materials you’ve shared throughout.
I want to encourage your future works by telling you that my 5 year old son has recently begun handsewing monster pillows (a nice change from superhero action play) and I don’t really know how to sew! So, I’m looking for resources just like yours to help me learn so that I can keep him interested and growing new skills. Thanks so much and please keep it up!
Thanks so much
If you ever have any questions, please feel free to ask. If we have a suggestion, we will certainly off one 
I’ve been loving your blog for a while now. I love felt, and all of your creations! – Jessica @ Cutesy Crafts
Trying to get for bun covers.knitting instructions
I have used your seasonal.curriculum for 2 years and LOOOOVE it!!!!!! Now we’re going into 1st grade and would LOVE to know what you used for 1st, and or what you think is similar to your seasonal curriculums. Thank you so much!!!!
Each of my kids had a different first grade experience. My son loves history and the classical style of doing a 4 year history rotation has worked well for him. He did Story of the World Ancients in first grade along with the Pandia Press guides. My middle daughter’s first grade year we did American Story 1 from Winterpromise. It tied in well with my son’s history rotation and was a great literature based unit for her. My youngest just completed her first grade year and she worked on the State Studies units that I am in the process of adding to Wee Folk Art (which I will hopefully have up in the next couple weeks).
Every year our homeschool has looked a little bit different and we have tried many curriculum sources and “winged it” quite a bit too. I’m not sure there is anything just like our Seasonal Units. You may need to ask yourself which part of it did you like the most. Five in a Row has a similar feel in the fact that each week revolves around a specific book. If you want a prepared literature based curriculum you might like Sonlight or Winterpromise (we have used both at some point and Winterpromise was our preference because of their hands-on element). If you are looking for a more Waldorf inspired program check out Oakmeadow or Christopherous. If the literature and journaling was your favorite part you might like a Charlotte Mason style program. If the fact that it was free was important check out Ambleside Online.
Sorry I can’t point you to just one awesome resource as the clear cut next step. I have always intended to layout more programs to share on Wee Folk Art in keeping with our same style but I find it hard to PLAN and DO homeschool at the same time.
Maybe some of our other readers would like to chime in with what they have tried after Wee Folk Art???
Thank you so much!!! You have definitely given me some ideas, and you touched upon a few of the different curriculums that I have looked at. I love love love the feel of your programs, the learning that gets done without my daughter even realizing it. It’s invigorating to us both to be able to be laid back and organic with our learning with a guide for mama.
And I think that was what we liked most…the laid back, hands on, learing without school-ing. I WILL find our match for this year!!! Thank you so much!!!!!!!
I just wanted to say how much I’ve enjoyed your posts on Facebook and of course your blog. I love putting some faces with your words and site. I would swear you two are sisters NOT mother and daughter.
Thank you for all that you do.
Thank you so much, Julia. We love what we do and it is all that much more enjoyable because we get to share it with so many others. And, I agree, it is nice to put a face with people you get to know on line
What do you use felt blocks *for?* I love to applique, but don’t know what to do with felt squares!
I really never had a specific purpose for the felt blocks. It is just a standard size I use for making the appliques. People have made the blocks bigger and have used different appliques and made lap quilts, one woman made a coat, people have made banners and coasters. Basically, I am sharing applique patterns that you can use anywhere… not just as blocks. I have over 100 of these blocks stacked in a box and I’ve never done anything with them… yet
So, not a ridiculous question at all. Just take the pattern as is, enlarge or reduce, and use it like you would any applique.
Thanks, Kimara! I am now thinking of 4-block squares for framing as wall art…
Hi Kimara and Michelle! Your blog is lovely and I always love reading your super cute and creative tutorials. Iu2019ve nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award! I hope you enjoy
Best wishes from Toronto, Jana
Just visited your site for the first time and having a hard time pulling myself away. It is fantastic!
Thank you! So glad you are enjoying yourself. Always something new going on around here so make sure your stop by often and share your thoughts with us. ((hugs)) ~Kimara~
Hi Kimara and Michelle,
your blog is such a wonderful source of inspirations. I plan to publish a list of u201CThe Best 25 Rainbow Toy Tutorialsu201D and would love to include your u201CColour Matching Pegs and Potsu201D and “Wooden Sorting Bowls and Acorns”. Thus, I am asking your permission to link to your work and use a single picture from the respective post for illustration purposes. Thank you very much in advance for your time and consideration. Have a lovely day,
Not only do you have our permission you have our gratitude. It is always such fun when other people appreciate our work enough to share it on their blogs. It you remember, drop us a comment when you post. We’d love to see it. ((hugs)) ~Kimara~
That’s wonderful. Thank you very much!
[…] About Us […]
What a cute website. Thank you for all the information and free patterns. Glad I found you.
Dear Kimara….I love your advice on cutting thick felt. Genius. I am doing a project where I need to cut small holes….about 1cm in diameter… in a large piece of thick felt. Is laser or die cutting the only way to do this, or do you have smart ideas for this too? Thanks!
Hi Kimberley,
First off let me say I don’t a a simple answer for you. There are too many variables like how thick is the felt and how many holes are you trying to make. If I were making the project I’d have to try different things. If you don’t have to make many, might try “pushing” the fibers instead of cutting them. I have put holes in felt by first inserting a large tapestry needle in the felt creating a small hole. I followed in by forcing a large knitting needle through the hole and “twirling” it in the hole to stretch the felt. I then stitched around the hole using a button hole stitch (small, close together blanket stitch) and the hole retained it’s shape. Now, I was using it for button holes so it worked well.
Other than that I really don’t have a suggestion. Sorry. Good luck!
Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful patterns.
I think Im going to start with the winter season appliques..
I was just wondering, where would you buy all the beautiful colorful felts?
There are 2 places I get most of my felt. If I’m looking for 100% wool felt for projects that get heavy use such as toys and coasters, I use A Child’s Dream. They have an incredible assortment of 100% wool felt in gorgeous colors. If I’m making pictures or my appliques, which I’m doing for display, I use a felt blend. Prairie Point Junction’s Wool Felt Central is where I go. They have a ton of colors. If you want to learn more about felt and choices, read our post “Felt 101”.
Good luck and have fun!
I was on your site today and we’re very interested in pursuing an advertising partnership with you.
Are you free for a phone call sometime this week?
Jessica Diamond
Hi Jessica,
Thanks for your interest in our site. We take phone call by appointment only. You are welcome to contact us through email with more information and we can go from there.
michelle (@)
please could you tell me if the tea pot instrutions can convert to English.
Regards Ellen
I’m sorry, Ellen, but that is not our pattern. Many of the patterns that we share on Facebook are the work of other marvelous creators! I do not believe there is an English translation but if you have a translator on your computer and follow the diagrams on her page you may be able to work your way through it. I am sorry I could not be more helpful. ~Kimara~
I was taken in by the promise of a “free” pattern for some groovy looking boot sox to knit! After clicking on the photo to acquire this pattern I was lead on a merry chase that asked me to vote on a zillion patterns. After many changes of screen I landed … nowhere!!! The boots were never seen again! What was the point of the offer? I guess to introduce me to your non-free patterns and I did like some of them but would now not buy them because of your underhanded methods. Rhonda
We do not sell any patterns here. All the patterns we offer are free. We do sometimes share a collection of other people’s patterns. Sometimes there is a charge for them and we say that. BTW… we do not benefit in any way by sharing other people’s patterns.
If you were a regular visitor to our site or our Facebook page, I think you would be slow to call us underhanded. Any time we link to a pattern, we try to make sure that everything works right and we check all our links. We have been running Wee Folk Art for 10 years and we can’t be certain that someone we linked to at the time changes a policy in the future.
I am very sorry you had a bad experience, but I’m more sorry that you were so quick to assume that we somehow were behaving in a less than generous manner.
Hoping the rest of your day is pleasant.
BTW… I am assuming you are talking about the DROPS slipper patterns. If you click on the links and hit the button “PRINT: PATTERN” you will get the FREE pattern as we said. I’m not sure what path you followed but the patterns are still available for free.
please unsubscribe me
Hi Stephanie,
I’m not sure as to which list you are referring. There are two ways to receive emails from us, one is by choosing to receive an update whenever anyone posts a comment, the second is by following us through Google’s Feedburner. Either way, you can unsubscribe yourself by following the links at the bottom of the emails that you are receiving. These are settings that you have set and I cannot access them without more information about you accounts and email.
hi, nice to know you. i’m so interesting to share your blog in our fan page in facebook. can we share your blog? becasuse your blog so inspirations to us.
Everyone is welcome to link to us on their blog and we appreciate you sharing our pages with your readers. Thanks. ~Kimara~
What a wonderful webpage! I was looking for some inspiration and found your page, it’s packed FULL of great ideas. Thank you, I now have new craft projects and less time to clean house.
Hehe… we are always looking for excuses not to clean. Crafting is a great one since the results can add so much to the family. Hope you truly enjoy yourself! ((hugs)) ~Kimara~
Wonderful FAQ! I just discovered your blog and I will be spending time here in the future. Obviously, your mother-daughter (and husband) team have put a lot of effort into making this such a wonderful place to visit. Thank you!
Welcome, Debbie. I hope you make yours at home and visit with us often. Wee Folk Art has been a joy to our family for over eight years. I think the best thing about it is meeting new “friends” from around the globe. You will find not only do Michelle and I contribute… along with lots of help from Tim… but the grandbabies play an important role in “running” Wee Folk Art. It is precious to us and so delighted you had a favorable first impression of our wee nook on the internet! ((hugs)) ~Kimara~
I want to make an apron with the picture of a pie on the front. I haven’t been able to find a picture of that. I am very good at sewing but lousy at drawing !!! I would love to have a pattern so I can add that to the front of the apron for a Christmas gift. If you can help with that it would be so appreciated. Thanks Chris
I would be happy to help. I will get one drawn up this afternoon and get the applique up some time this week! Of course I’ll need to see a photo of the apron when you are all done
Partner With Us to Reach the Homeschool Community! $140/Year
Greetings from The Home Educators Resource Directory!
My name is Lisa Ory and I am a Marketing Specialist for the Home Educators Resource Directory also known as HERD. We think you would be a great fit for our community! Are you interested in reaching the homeschool market?
I am currently working on a February 1st launch with a deadline of January 16 and we would love to have you join us.
Our group of dedicated homeschool parents has been busy gathering home school resources in a single easy-to-find website. It has taken us some time to create, edit, and publish this valuable content for the home school community.
As a homeschool parent, I am passionate about helping other homeschoolers find the resources they need to have a successful, enjoyable, educational experience with their children. We are contacting you because your product/services meet the criteria for what we consider to be an excellent homeschool resource. We want to offer you a bit of information about reaching the homeschool community. Because the homeschool community is very unique it can be confusing as to what are your best advertising choices. Our directory is managed and maintained by homeschool parents that know homeschool issues and needs.
The Home Educators Resource Directory is in touch with homeschoolers in many different ways. When we list resources on the directory we work personally with the company to make sure their information gets to homeschool families. We feel that successful advertising requires more than just posting the information. It requires a commitment by both the advertiser and the marketing company to do their best and work as a team.
We successfully support companies to reach the homeschool market by:
Utilizing social networking (twitter and facebook)
Offering a monthly e-mail newsletter with great articles and information
Offering blogs for new and seasoned homeschoolers
Offering customer support – Build email lists through contests and giveaways
Offering product reviews and fun u2018enter to winu2019 giveaways
Outreach u2013 listing Homeschool Support groups
Delivering an easy to use online directory
I understand that you may be receiving many emails a day. I would like permission to send you more information about listing in the directory via e-mail attachment.
Browse our website at
MENTION MY NAME, and receive a great discount this month!
Marketing Specialist
(F) 860-499-5359
Home Educators Resource Directory
I am a homeschooling mom and also the volunteer spokesperson for an informal group of more than 6,000 homeschoolers writing to all the providers of educational resources whose products we use, recommend, or might consider. I heard about you from a member of my group and wanted to be sure to include you in my research endeavors.
I have included some helpful background information about my project below if youu2019re interested, but in order to respect your time, Iu2019ll share my questions first. I hope youu2019ll be willing to thoughtfully and honestly answer them in regards to your materials and/or program:
1. Have you already altered any of your materials for the purpose of aligning with the Common Core Standards (CCS) u2013 alternately known when relevant as the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) or the College, Career and Civic Life Framework (C3)? If so, which materials? And what, specifically, have you changed?
2. Do you have future plans to alter your materials u2013 in large or small ways u2013 in order to align with the CCS/NGSS/C3? If so, which materials and what changes do you plan to make? When will you make the changes?
3. Have you chosen to advertise any correlations between your materials and the CCS/NGSS/C3 even if you havenu2019t changed any content in the process?
4. Do you incorporate materials from other vendors into your program? If so, which companies?
Thank you for taking time to respond. I look forward to hearing back from you at your earliest convenience.
Most sincerely,
Tina Hollenbeck
The Homeschool Resource Roadmap
In March 2013, homeschoolers learned that the Common Core Standards (CCS) u2013 and/or the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and the College, Career and Civic Life Framework (C3) u2013 may affect homeschool families in different ways, and we also started hearing unsubstantiated guesses about what various providers were doing with the standards initiative. At that point, I decided u2013 for parentsu2019 sake u2013 that I wanted to learn each companyu2019s direction in terms of the CCS/NGSS/C3, and for accuracyu2019s sake I especially wanted to make sure I received answers directly from providers. So I have been writing to companies ever since, in awe of the sheer amount of resources available to homeschoolers.
Most homeschoolers with whom Iu2019ve been communicating personally feel the CCS/NGSS/C3 to be an extremely unfortunate effort and are very concerned about its potential to threaten the freedom, academic progress, and privacy of homeschooling families. However, because we believe in free market economics, we also completely respect each companyu2019s right to make product decisions as it sees fit. Thus, my purpose in contacting you and other resource providers is not at all to lobby one way or another in terms of the CCS/NGSS/C3. Rather, I would simply like to help homeschooling parents make fully informed decisions, which includes knowing whether or not the materials they use are aligned with or correlated to the CCS, NGSS and/or C3.
I will share (as part of the extensive listings on my website) your answers with other homeschoolers u2013 as objective information only u00ACu2013 so that families can decide for themselves what they feel comfortable with in terms of the CCS/NGSS/C3. As mentioned above, I completely respect your right as a private company to make product decisions as you see fit, and would not presume to ask you to violate your convictions. I just also feel strongly that homeschool parents/consumers deserve to know the content of the materials we use with our kids so we can make informed decisions about whatu2019s best for them according to our individual convictions. I know it will be easier for parents and providers alike for all answers to be gathered in one place, thereby simplifying the research task of parents as well as reducing the amount of mail you and other busy companies receive from consumers.
Love your free applique patterns. I’ve made the ice cream cone into a charity quilt for a kid. It turned out really cute, even with the embroidery details left out. I’d love to see a couple of patterns for cute, colorful fish. They would make a great kid’s charity quilt also.
Whatever happened to the other 2 North Pole Pals?
Hi Marti,
Unfortunately, we simply ran out of time. I’m sorry if you were waiting on them. To be very honest, they probably won’t be shared now until next Christmas season. If things slow down for us, I will try to get them up sooner.