Showing: 73 - 84 of 105 RESULTS
Memories & Musings

Soulful Dichotomy

Tim and I have this nature dichotomy thing going. On one hand we love animals and encourage their residence in our yard. We pay more money monthly for our bird seed and peanuts than we do our cable, and if we had to give up one, the t.v. would go. We established a National Wildlife …

Memories & Musings

What’s In A Name?

Today I spent an entirely exhausting but wonderfully fulfilling day in the gardens. Michelle’s family came over to “Help Gammy”. Seven year old Bug learned to prune a small crab apple tree. Five year old Fairy showed her might as she hauled bags of mulch. And three year old Pixie impressed us all as she shoveled pea …

Memories & Musings

I Brought My Mother Buttercups

First posted on One Generation to Another on May 13, 2008. I brought my mother buttercups one day when she was weary, She said I brought the sun inside, so shiny bright and cheery. And then my mother winked at me, and then I heard her mutter, I’m glad there’s sun in buttercups, instead of …

Memories & Musings

Kleenex Carnations

I don’t know exactly what made me think about this the other day, but when Tim and I were talking and it occurred to me that I couldn’t remember the last time I’d seen a “Just Married” sign on the back of a car or the ubiquitous Kleenex Carnations from our youth plastered all over it. …

Memories & Musings

Spring Cleaning

It’s been a while since I shared a story from One Generation to Another. This post was first shared May 6, 2008, but since spring has graced our neck of the woods early this year, and our gardens are waking up, I thought of this. I hope you enjoy it.  So, it’s spring and any self …

Memories & Musings Yummy Recipes

Chicken Soup

If someone asked me what my favorite food was, I’d say soup. I know that’s not very specific. There’s hundreds, nah thousands, of soups from simple broths to creamy bisque’s. But it doesn’t matter to me. I have yet to meet a soup I didn’t like. Okay, I take that back… there was this eggplant monstrosity …