A couple of weeks ago, I came upon a really neat project at Leaf Cutter Designs. It is called a Sky Scarf. Basically, every day you knit 2 rows of the scarf in colors to match the sky that day. You do this for an entire year. In the end, you have a scarf that is around 5′ long, and is a record of that year’s weather. How cool is that? I will send you over to their blog to get more details and directions. The Sky Scarf can be found HERE along with a couple of videos.
I plan to start making one myself January 1st. For Christmas this year, I wanted to get Fairy some knitting supplies. I decided that she would probably really enjoy this project, too. So, for her Christmas gift, I bought her yarns to make the sky scarf, a set of bamboo needles, a basket to hold the project and a couple of books. Fairy only lives a couple miles from me, so it will be fun to see how similar our scarves are at the end of the year. The one thing I did different than the directions, was to add a ball of rainbow colored yarn. (It changes colors quickly, which is important since you only knit 2 rows at a time.) Although there won’t be very many rainbow rows, you can be certain Fairy and I will be keeping ours eyes open, scanning the skies for rainbows
The 2 books I got Fairy are Knitting With Gigi by Karen Thalacker and Gigi Knits … and Purls by Karen Thalacker. They are beginning knitting books with directions on how to knit and purl. Each book has 8 simple projects girls will enjoy knitting. Even though Fairy knows how to knit, I thought they would be good reference books and the projects are cute.
BTW… I was very thrilled with the basket I got. It was a great find at Tuesday Morning’s. It was discounted to $3.99. Such a deal! Using a stem stitch and 6 strands of variegated floss, I stitched her initials on felt and slid it into the name tag area. I think she’ll like the personalization
We you like to join Fairy and I on our sky watching adventure? Let us know if you plan to make a Sky Scarf, too. All you need to do is knit, so it is really easy. If you don’t know how to knit, follow Michelle’s Knitting Tutorial, and use this as you first project
I just love that idea! I also love crafty gifts for children. Those were always my favorite as a kid
Could you tell me where you Got the rainbow yarn for the sky scarf. Is it fingering weight? Thanks. Lovely project
Score another one for Grandma – because that is an awesome idea and and cool-looking gift. Love the basket.
Now, I have to go see if my library has those knitting books, so I relearn how to knit!
My daughter and I may have to join you guys in this adventure! We both are just learning to knit, and this seems like a perfect idea for us! Thanks for sharing.
from Chile
Love the sky scarf idea. I wonder if I would be disciplined enough to last even a month!?
I figured I'd get in the habit of making a notation on my calendar each day. You know… giving all the yarn initials… white (w) dark gray (dg) rainbow (rb). There may be some days I don't get to it, but at least I will have a record, so when I sit down to work on it, I might do 2 or 3 days at a time. Also, I'm thinking that you probably should pick the same time of day. Skies change so much from morning to evening.
What a thoughtful gift and so beautifully packaged.
I am ‘borrowing’ the sky scarf idea for myself.
I’d like to share an idea from an old book called “The Year and Our Children” by Mary Reed Newland. In a section on Christmas gifts, she mentions hiding tiny treasures, including the sugar letters for birthday cakes, within a wound ball of yarn for beginning knitters. So, there are little nuggets of encouragement and reward along the way.
Yet another project to share with our wee ones! Love the idea, and I too, will be making notations on my calendar so I can do a few days at a time. Not only will we each have a beautiful scarf at the end of a year, but we will be that much more connected with nature since we will be paying attention to the sky each and every day.