Whether you’re using these stockings for ornaments, gift wrapping, or silverware holders, they are simple to make and allow for tons of self expression. Use the main pattern for the stocking base and decorate with the shapes included. Or, express yourself and decorate to suit your fancy.
Mini Stocking Directions Materials:
- 8in x 12in wool felt for stocking
- Wool scraps for appliqués
- Buttons and doodads for embellishments
- Embroidery floss
- Pattern
Mini Stocking Directions:
1] Copy pattern.
2] Cut out 2 stocking pieces. For best results cut at the 2 pieces at the same time. Cut out any appliqués you wish to add.

3] Using 3 strands of embroidery floss attach appliqué to stocking front. Refer to pattern or photos. Note: Keep design below the designated line on the pattern and at least 1/4 inch away from sides.

4] If using buttons, sew them on using 6 strands of embroidery floss.
5] With wrong sides together, pin stocking pieces together. Using a 1/4 inch deep blanket stitch and 6 strands of embroidery floss, attach the front and back together, below the fold line on the pattern. (You will be stitching the main part of the stocking and leaving the top open.)
6] Sew up the open side seams using a close 1/4 inch running stitch or back stitch. (This is done on the outside of the stocking.)
7] Turn down the upper edge of the stocking along the hem fold line. (This should be turned down so a hem can be seen from the right side of the stocking. Refer to photo) Using a 1/4 inch deep blanket stitch and 6 strands of embroidery floss, sew done the stocking hem.

8] Turn the cuff down 1 inch. If you are using the stocking as a silverware holder or gift bag, you are done.

9] If you wish to make the stocking into an ornament, finger chain a 6 inch loop using 6 strands of embroidery floss or braid a 6 inch loop using 6 strands of 3 different colored floss. Attach the loop to the inside of the stocking, a 1/4 inch from the top edge on the heel side of the stocking. (Refer to photo.)

[…] can sew it on, while younger children will be able to glue on a design. Directions for the Flower Mini Christmas Stocking can now be found in the FREE Pattern Section. […]