Over the last few years my holiday décor has strayed from the traditional Christmas green and red and has instead incorporated more and more rainbows. The rainbows make me happy, no matter what the season and this allows my “normal” décor to blend in seamlessly with the changing seasonal décor. I also feel like I can leave the holiday décor up longer without it being too Christamasy.
This year we have made this simple, wooden bead garland. Several years ago my children made a similar Felt Fall Leaves Garland (as you can see here) and I wanted something similar for the winter months.
- Wooden Multi-Color Pony Beads (Rockin Mixed Color Beads)
- Metal Yarn Needle
- Green Wool Felt (several of our sponsors carry wool felt)
- Tree Pattern
- Scissors
- Yarn (approximately 15ft) We used green cotton yarn.
- Tape

Cut out 9 felt trees (click here for our How to Cut Out Felt tutorial). We used various shades of green. Poke a small hole in the top of the trees about 1/4-1/2″ from all edges.

Cut a length of yarn about 15 feet long… or however long you would like your garland. Wrap a bit of tape around one end of the yarn (to help thread the beads) and tie a knot at the other.

If you have several people working on this project you could cut shorter lengths for each person and then tie them together when done.

String the wooden beads on the yarn in a random pattern. We chose to go random so that there would be no “mistakes” and because the multi-colored pack of beads we had did not seem to have equal numbers of each color.

We used these Rockin Multi-Colored Wooden Beads that I ordered from Amazon. They are about the same size as your basic pony beads. We had a few unusable beads in our package but overall I was happy with this package of beads for our project. Our wooden beads were painted and some of the paint did fill in the hole. We used a metal yan needle to punch out any extra paint that made it hard to string.

About every 18″ or so, add a felt tree to your garland.

Hang your garland on your tree, in doorways, across your mantel, or anywhere else you would like to add some festive color.

FYI – We are an Amazon Affiliate.
Our tree ornamentation is very “rainbow-y” as well this Christmas, since our boxes of Christmas goodies are still in storage 12 hours away. Thanks for the inspiration – I know what we’ll be making today!