I stroll on the beach is always a delightful experience. If you happen upon a beautiful shell, like our Scallop Shell Applique, it makes it magical! Today we are sharing our second applique in our Stroll on the Beach Collection. Imagine how thrilling it would to stumble upon a perfectly persevered shell like today’s Scallop …
Patchwork Turkey Applique Pattern
Patchwork Turkey Applique Pattern and Thanksgiving Pillow Project This scrappy Thanksgiving Turkey pillow came together very quickly. It was a fun project that used up the littlest bits of fabric and some coordinating embroidery floss. This a great applique project for beginning sewers and kids. It can be made even easier by using fabric glue …
Moon Fairy Jacket & Celtic Knot Work Pattern
For Halloween and the Renaissance Festival this year, Fairy wanted me to make her this fairy jacket from Simplicity pattern 1293. Although it was in adult sizing, I was able to modify the smallest adult size to work for her, mainly by reducing the length of the sleeves. To add some interest to the back, …
October Applique Blocks
Here’s a collection of October Appliques… more cheery than scary… but just right for Halloween! In previous years we have shared the Black Bird and the Black Cat Applique Blocks. Over the next two weeks we will share the directions and patterns for the Stacked Pumpkins and the Cheery Sunflower Applique Blocks. And, for those …
Watermelon Applique Block
My mother came from a large family. My bushia had 13 children, 10 lived long enough to have their own families. It was awesome being a part of something so large and loving! Every summer we would gather together at a local park and have a family picnic. You couldn’t really call it a reunion, …
Happy Snowman Applique Block
“In the meadow we can build a snowman”. Oh, how I love our “Winter Wonderland”! There can be the slightest sprinkling of snow and wee ones will be outside, carefully scooping up what precious little snow there is, hoping to build a towering snowman. But, when the weather’s right, and the snow blankets the ground, you …
Piggy Applique Block
The question… which came first, the chicken or the egg?… is a debate best left for scholars, BUT, I can answer this question… which came first, the Pig Pull Toy (aka Pulled Pork) or this Little Piggy Applique Block?… and the answer is… the applique. I did a series of 4 barnyard animals for another project, and when …
Dragonfly Applique Block
I think the first time someone dreamed about fairies, it must have been after watching a graceful dragonfly flit about a garden. Their translucent wings, and their tendency to dart about, almost disappearing at times, has fairy written all over them! I adore dragonflies Over the years I’ve had many gardens in my yard, all of …
Cup of Cocoa Applique Block
With Valentine's Day quickly approaching, we are prompted to think about romantic love. But I must admit, I've never really bought into Valentine's Day. Don't get me wrong, I love romance, really, big fan of it, HOWEVER, I don't like "traditional holidays" that mandate romance. Getting flowers on Valentine's Day or Sweetest Day does nothing for me. I guess …
Warm Woolen Mittens
“Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, Brighton copper kettles and warm woolen mittens.” When Drew Drew Buns (the inexplicable name I called/call my youngest) was 4 years old, he came in from the season’s first snowfall in tears and told me his “wrists were broke”. The coat and mittens he wore left a band of young, tender …
Black Bird Applique Block
We don’t usually feature applique blocks back-to-back BUT Michelle needed a bird pattern for a project she was working on, so it made sense to turn it into a Black Bird Applique Block. Although we used Halloween colors, this bird can be any color you like As always, our Black Bird Applique Block was designed …
Black Cat Applique Block
At the end of summer I gave everyone a sneak peek at an applique block I had just finished. My plan was to enlarge the pattern 300% and make a Halloween banner. ((Sigh)) THAT never came to past… so many other projects we are in the middle of, but I am delighted to share the …