Showing: 1 - 12 of 30 RESULTS

Drawing Lesson 8 :: Cool Koalas

After the past chaotic and life changing few weeks, I think I am finally ready to roll up my sleeves and get back to work! I have a lot of catching up to do. For example… we completed this drawing lesson on May 29 and I am finally posting it! Life happens, right? Anyway… as …


Drawing Lesson 7: Advanced Level Cubes

As the weather has gotten nicer we are finding it harder and harder to squeeze in our drawing lessons. Most of our free time, not taken up by the end of the year activities, such as field trips, recitals, first communions, etc, has been spent out in the garden. We are also winding down our school year, finishing …


Drawing Lesson 6: Stacking Tables

We are continuing our weekly drawing class. We are using Mark Kistler’s book, You Can Draw in 30 Days. Instead of completing the book in 30 days, we plan to take 30 weeks, doing a new lesson each week and then spending time during the week practicing what we have learned. Although I am teaching …


Doodle Art

For many, many, many years… probably more years than some of you have been on this earth, I have yearned to paint. Not fancy, hang in the Lourve paintings, but paintings that would fill my journals with water colors of my gardens, little drawings of romping animals, and ultimately, simple paintings that could accompany the …


Drawing Lesson 4 :: The Cube

We are continuing our weekly drawing class. We are using Mark Kistler’s book, You Can Draw in 30 Days. Instead of completing the book in 30 days, we plan to take 30 weeks, doing a new lesson each week and then spending time during the week practicing what we have learned. Although I am teaching …


Drawing Lesson 2 :: Overlapping Spheres

We are continuing our weekly drawing class. We are using Mark Kistler’s book, You Can Draw in 30 Days. Instead of completing the book in 30 days, we plan to take 30 weeks, doing a new lesson each week and then spending time during the week practicing what we have learned. Although I am teaching …


Drawing Lesson 1 :: The Sphere

There was a time, in classical education, when everyone was taught to draw and sing. The idea being anyone could learn the skills. Of course, there are those with natural talent, and not everyone will become a Da Vinci or Rembrandt, but everyone could learn the basics of drawing. There are so many professions where drawing …


Modeling Creativity

We have all heard the adage “Actions speak louder than words” and in the realm of artistic expression, nothing could be more true. If you want your children to be creative beings, model the behavior by being creative yourself. Being creative does not mean you have to have exceptional talent. I sing all the time …


Drawing Mushrooms

Although we like to draw by studying our nature finds, I find it helpful to have the kids watch some “how to draw” videos and tutorials when we approach a new subject. When we are doing a nature study we are helping to train the eye to see shapes, colors, and other details. When we …