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Daily Postings

Wool Penny Coasters

The other day I was going through some old books and came upon a wool penny rug that I’ve wanted to make for years…I shared the pic last week. I know I don’t have enough time right now to tackle a rug, but I wanted to use the wool pennies for SOMETHING! I started a table runner, …

*missing photos

Trailing Vine Star Ornament

Gammy’s (Kimara) Ornament I know it is a little early for Christmas ornaments… but I was inspired to make these based on a blog challenge I participate in with Nature’s Way Learning. My mom thought it sounded like fun and of course went above and beyond on her design (which you can download here). I …


Perky Note Holder Directions

Make up this holder to help you get organized when you are out-and-about. Reduce it to 70% and it would make a great holder for standard sized business cards. I’ve included a pdf with my design, but get creative. Creating your own design is great fun! Hint: When placing appliques on the background, make sure …


Perky Note Holder

I am ALWAYS trying to come up with new ideas of organization that work for me. Not an easy task…I’m not known for my strong organizational abilities! Still, I’m always on the look out for the perfect system…ever the optimist! I am always coming up with ideas when I’m out and about. I have to record those ideas quickly or they …


Bean Bags and Coasters

Making these beanbags is a snap! As a novice crocheter I can attest to their ease of construction. This is not a “how to” crochet site so if this is your first attempt at crocheting, check out any of the wonderful books and websites that can talk you through getting started. This would make a …


Playing Marbles

Today we taught the kids a new marble game. It didn’t take long before they were making up their own games! Pixie saw it as a new twist on “put and take”! Watching them play convinced me of one thing…we need more marbles! Fortunately, I’m working on a few projects right now that are giving me plenty …