Showing: 13 - 24 of 84 RESULTS

Modeling Creativity

We have all heard the adage “Actions speak louder than words” and in the realm of artistic expression, nothing could be more true. If you want your children to be creative beings, model the behavior by being creative yourself. Being creative does not mean you have to have exceptional talent. I sing all the time …


Potato Print Gift Wrap

To finish off our State Studies we completed our last project, Potato Prints. This one, even the boy wanted to join in. I took the project one step further and used my potato to create recycled, home-made wrapping paper. Materials: Potato Butter Knife or carving tools Cutting Board Marker Paint or Ink (we used our …


Mardi Gras Masks

Ok, so it is the wrong time of year to think about Mardi Gras, but we have been working hard at finishing up our State Studies Unit 2 and these Mardi Gras masks are great project to go along with Louisiana. I don’t often do projects with the kids that involves glitter and sequences, but …


Oil Pastel & Watercolor Bridge

For those of you who had been following along with our State Studies Unit 1, I wanted to let you know that our State Studies Unit 2 is almost complete. I have been adding everything you need to do the unit on the State Studies Unit 2 Overview page. I will not be sharing each …


Folk Art Inspired Cork Horse

We made these adorable Folk Art inspired Cork Horses to go along with our State Studies Kentucky week. The horses have now moved into the girls’ farm play center and have adjusted nicely. 😉 Materials: 2 wine corks tooth picks craft glue or hot glue gun scrap yarn and felt craft knife and cutting board …


Sand Sculptures

As the children of bloggers, our wee ones have sometimes suffered through and other times benefited from their position. They tend to think like bloggers, and will often rate activities and projects as “blog worthy” or “definitely NOT blog worthy”. Our family has marveled at how photogenic they are. Actually, since they’ve been incessantly photographed …


3D Peach Tree

We created these cool 3-D Peach Trees, complete with fuzzy peaches, to go along with our States Studies Unit 2 (coming soon) lessons. Materials watercolor paper water color paints Brushes or blue construction paper paper lunch bag green tissue paper orange pom-poms or wool felt balls craft glue We started by using a wet on …


Plaster of Paris Abstract Sculptures

I remember doing this project in elementary school. We mixed up a batch of Plaster of Paris, let it set in a recycled small milk carton (the ones from the school cafeteria) and then used spoons to scratch out a sculpture. We repeated the project with a slight variation in middle school. That time we …