I’ve had many requests for photos of our winter gnome house. I still need to get our Starry Night silk draped behind it and add lots of snow… aka… cotton balls! Of course, I can almost guarantee you that somewhere between now and Christmas, I’ll make something new for the gnome’s holiday celebration… I always do!
The first thing I do whenever I change out the season is to clean and polish the wood. This is one of my favorite things to do!
Many of the gnomes and furnishings shown here are shared as tutorials. Check out our Gnome Home offerings in our Gallery. A few of the items are also shown in our toy section.
BTW… If you have a blog and have featured photos of your holiday gnome home, please feel free to share a link. I’ll try to remember to post a photo when our gnome home is all done
I think it is your gnome house that first brought me to your site. I love all the little touches in our house. We were hoping to make one but since neither my husband or myself have ANY woodworking skills, we broke down and bought one. I children love it. I have found making things for the gnomes is a wonderful way to introduce children to crafting. Crafts for them are small and can be accomplished quick enough for children to feel rewarded and not get bored. So far we’ve made your gnomes and flower fairies (from your kits). We’ve made the mushrooms and sleeping bags. We’ve made your city beds. I know there are other things too that I can’t recall right now. My children have made little quilts and rugs. It has been a source of joy for our whole family. Thanks for everything you share. You’ve been blessed to find your site. God Bless you and yours!
Some of my earliest crafting was making clothes and props for my collection of trolls… those naked, big grinning guys with the awesome stick-up hair! Glad your family has found inspiration here. Hope we can continue to inspire
You have the coziest house ever! Love your holiday trimmings.
Thanks! Trust me… it is very satisfying to get my gnome house ready for Christmas. So much easier than getting MY house done
I love your gnome home! Thanks for putting up some new pictures. I look forward to the day when my children are old enough to appreciate something like this – right now they’d be most likely trash it or choke on it! It’d be wrong to build something like this and forbid them to play with it, right?
I think of the biggest mistakes we make as parents, especially as new parents, is to give children toys that are beyond their developmental and/or safety level. It is never too early to bring gnomes into your children's lives, but start big. If you haven't already, check out these 2 different sets of gnomes:
Big Spring Gnomes pattern can be found HERE
And our Big Gnomes for Wee Hands can be found HERE
I would definitely save the house for a while. We will be making a gnome house for Little Lady for next Christmas. She will be 3 1/2 then. And, we will start here off with the bigger items for the house. But even though she isn't ready for a house yet, she had gnomes forever